33° and snowing supposedly going down to 27°. I let the stove go out this morning came home to the house at 62°. Got a load of tulip poplar in the fireview. This wood is nice and dry, it burns quick. Gotta gopher more.
30/70 got a mix of trash trees going right now Box Elder and Tree of Heaven. Will probably move to something better next reload.
33/73. First night of splits jenga w about 6 pieces behind these 2. All premium chestnut oak. Won’t be cold in the morning, that’s for sure!
Wow I heard they might get 4 feet of snow in Buffalo only about 1/2 inch here overnight 24 here right now
17 out/ 67 in when I rolled out a couple hours ago. May get dumped on coming up over the next couple of days. Nothing like what is being guessed for the Buffalo area but will have to plow at least once before it is over. (then plow again) Good luck to the members from the Buffalo area and hope that the forecast is not accurate.
Thanks. You ever scrounge any? Im familiar with hop hornbeam, but ironwood is different? Smooth bark?
First fire of the burning season last night as the forecast has the lows in upper 20's, low 30's for the next week or so. Nothing like heat from a stove, instantly took the chill out of the house. It truly makes all that hard work scrounging and processing wood well well worth it. Threw in some oak uglies mixed with a bunch of scraps I have.
I have cut American Hornbeam (Musclewood, AKA blue beech) but not Hop Hornbeam (Ironwood) Both are supposed to be good firewood.