We finally hit 60.4 when we were eating supper tonight. The house is still 71 but since we're dropping down to about 45 or 46, we'll have a shoulder season fire tonight.
We've had 50's nights for some time with a couple nights in the 40's. Not much in the 80's for a while but have had a couple. High 80's forecast today and tomorrow. Nuts!
50 this morning at 6 when I walked the dog. Sure feels like fall. And I am ok with that. I enjoy all seasons here.
Hot today Upper 80's again but if it's like yesterday's forecast, we'll be well into the 90's. May get some rain this afternoon/evening and that'll be the catalyst that allows tomorrows temp to only get into the low 60's.
We had 46.8 this morning with a small shoulder season wood fire providing some heat while we had coffee.
64⁰ currently. It's a little higher than room temp inside. It was 84 today and will be cooler tomorrow. Some rain is expected as well. It's been warm with 90s off and on but this year Summer took forever to get here. June was feeling like Fall. Farmers around here had to wait to cut hay more towards the middle of July to mid August. Most didn't get second cut around here unless it was silage. That being said, great summer but some of us are really wanting Fall back.
Its hard to believe you have been hotter than we have been. Hot, 88 degrees predicted today. That is hotter than we've been for quite a while.
It looked as though it would miss us. Then late in the day, rather than the NW flow, a small system moved in from the SW. There were some thunder showers and we heard some thunder but only got a short and light shower here.
Were ranging from mid 60's for lows to mid 80's for highs for the next week. Yea! We finally broke the heat cycle. Mike in Ok