55F here and opened the door and let the fan cool the house off to 69F ... Nice for the next 4 or 5 days...
It’s 24 degrees outside and snowing lightly. 76 degrees in the house. We got 16.5” of snow since yesterday morning. I love these spring storms. Burning white spruce and Aspen. View from the bedroom window
Cooler days for awhile here. Maybe hit the 60's next week. Had a short (15 minutes) burst of high winds on Wed. One of the neighbors had a pontoon and a lift that got caught by the wind. It blew through the air, flipped upside down and made a splash landing (perfectly) next to another neighbors dock.
I haven’t burned for 3 weeks or so, we have been running a/c. The temps have hit upper 90’s three times in the last couple weeks. It was mid 50’s today & overcast, the guessers are calling for patchy frost here tonight. So I put in a split of cherry & some cedar in to keep things warm overnight.
The trees are leaving out here. Fields are getting a green hue to them. The Drift at the face of our lot is down to 4' tall. Haven't had a fire for several nights now.
29 at 4am this morning, Thursday was 90 in the afternoon. Had a fire Friday night and this overnight. Dead elm mostly. Surely THIS will be the last one until fall!
Low 40's, 50f now 8:50, this morning. Should have started the stove but just letting the furnace take care of it.
Woke up to four more inches of snow this morning. 33 now, but warming up quick. Suppose to hit 55 today, and I'm looking forward to it.
Got down to 38 overnight. Glad I lit a fire last evening. Still "feels like" 35 temp outside now but shows 42. Jacket weather.