Bright, sunny and 38 outside. Pleasant and 72 inside with silver maple and ash up to bat. Happy Easter everyone
42/62 .... Rain off and on today... cool in the house so I lit a fire... warm up the house a bit... Walnut and Hedge...
It consumed a little less than half the stove. It was mostly Walnut, with three pieces of hedge. The walnut is my fire starter, it get the hedge rolling… then the hedge coals maintain the heat…
43/65. Just lit the fire with mostly red oak, one split of chestnut oak. Wanted to take the edge off. Freeze warning tonight.
Not sure what the dawn temp was. I was busy snoring. 20° ambient temperature currently. Bright sunlight Fire killed spruce in the stove. Happy Resurrection Day Everyone !
It’s a hair above freezing at 33 this morning. Another mixed load of silver maple and ash, with a couple barkless elm skinnies thrown in for good measure.
30/65. Snow over the next three days from time to time. The bare spots that the sun brought back in the yard yesterday are completely gone once again!
I have 28 on the mercury and 71in. Glad I have a fire. Just added more chestnut oak and opened the draft to warm it up for wifey. Hi ho hi ho it’s off to work we go.
I’m grateful to be on the southern end of this system, but I’ll still need to burn wood for the next few nights.
It got up in the mid 30s today but the breeze blew 15 to 20 all day . Blew all day yesterday also. We did not get much snow receding today. Very sunny tho. Which is nice ! Fire killed spruce in the stove. I've never seen this much snow hang around for this long.
43° and raining here and upper 40s for later on. I'm happy it's not the snow that was predicted for some not too far north of me. Elm, silver maple and ash again this morning. I grudgingly brought in more wood last night, as temperatures warrant more burning until early May. At least the lettuce I planted in the raised garden bed will thrive in this weather.
Woke to 36/71. Loaded the firebox with red and chestnut oaks so I don't come home to a cold house. Supposed to top out at 50 today, then 80 by Sunday. This is yo-yo weather!