Two days of snow and wind here. Had some bare spots in the yard but nothing left of those. Even had some drifts in the driveway. Mid 20's now; I don't want to look at the wind chill temps.
18 and snowing (of course) Tomorrow, we should finally be getting some above freezing temps. Then, instead of adding to the snowpack, maybe it can start melting once again.
It is pretty warm, but after work I like to be warm. No wool socks, long johns, slippers, or a blanket for me. When I sit in my chair I like the feeling that I'll be sterile in 10 minutes. Even if it is not true. My actual sauna is too hot for my wife so I get in first and after it cools down a bit she gets in. We just open a window in the bedroom, or kitchen to cool off those rooms. 8 above today. Suppose to warm up to 28.
Got up to about 80 on Thursday so I get the water going on for the outdoor shower. Back down to the 30's tonight and tomorrow so looks like I need to turn the water back off. Brought some wood in for a fire tonight and tomorrow.
Heading down to 30 overnight and the same for the next 3 nights. Started a fire about an hour ago. First one in about a week. Cherry ash and silver maple. 73 in now