I hate that this time of year. Last week iirc our DRIFT built by about 1 foot. It had been settling. Then in 2 days of wind it was back up to almost its peak height for the winter.
Battening down the hatch's here. Not a fan of Tornado weather. Letting my stove go out until this passes. Goofy weather anyway.
60+ MPH winds today and a high of 90f. So far, no storms and looking like they will be north or Iowa is going to get blown away. Stay safe out there. Talking a high of 50 tomorrow and some nights below freezing this week so stove may not be done yet.
Yikes I hope everyone is safe. 45f now, getting close to freezing tonight. Maybe I’m still warm from yard work, but it doesn’t feel close to that. Burning all the dregs from the yard, including lumber cutoff and even old fire pit wood that wasn’t pretty enough to make the Grand Fir stack by the firepit.
Nothing. Aside from reloading the stove yesterday am, the stove has gone out and not needing to be going now. 52° outside. 70° in. We're supposed to get colder temps and wind and or rain. I'll probably start up the quadrafire again tomorrow night, and then every night again through next week Thursday if the forecast is right.
20°F this morning. Beautiful blue skys With a to 20 maybe 25 from the ese. Fire killed white spruce in the stove . Going real easy. Got out another cord of wood today.
39/67 Rain off and on overnight and looks like a very wet day on store for us today! I'm thinking there'll be a lot more bare spots in the yard today!!
It was 40 when I got up this morning and I was on the fence about lighting the stove. The bone dry spruce on the hearth was too easy to pass up though. Not many burning days left... (hopefully)
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. The "S" word is predicted for tonight/tomorrow. Why not? Make those robins wait for their meals a bit longer.
49/68. The strong storms/tornado's missed us here at home. A hour north of here was not as fortunate. Still early but some reporting is showing building damage in some rural areas. Looking like we will be cleaning ash and firing back up this am. 40's/20's for the foreseeable forecast. And lots of wind Here we go! Who wanted sunny spring conditions anyway?
14 this morning with a wind chill feeling of 1 Forecast is 40 and plenty of wind. Chunks and nuggets in the stove, got to get more wood in because the overnight temperatures for the next 10 days is in the teens and low 20s
10°F ambient temperature here. Nice and sunny. Little haze in the sky. Will prolly get up to 40ish. Fks in the stove. Glad it's nice. I need to go pick up some friends at the airport in Fairbanks.
It was in the low 60's this morning. It was downright muggy. 58° and rain now. They are talking about some possible snow over night That's enough of that.