Had a good amount of snow melt yesterday and today from the front yard. The robins that have returned early will have someplace to look for food.
Was +20 when I got up this morning. And it's +20 now. Light air from the south east. Firekilled spruce in the stove .
37/71. Cleaning up brush day. Again The price of having a grove on 3 sides of the yard. Grrrrrr. Durn wind won't quit this spring. And another round of storms coming overnight. Stove is idling through a load put in yesterday before supper. Sure is toasty inside this AM. Coffee is good. Off to build a couple grilled cheese sandwich's for breakfast. It's national grilled cheese day... From what I just saw on the TV commercial.. The power of suggestion at work!
Well, this can't be good. 51f now heading towards 87f for the high with possible storms later. That hot this soon I have to think there WILL be storms. Be safe all.
Yesterday morning started out with very dark skies to the west where our weather comes from. Ended up being quite a nice day. Dropped to 26 overnight. Today is cloudy but mild with rain predicted this afternoon and throughout the night. That'll really knock the snow down!