That is exactly our forecast. They are saying 6-10” here. I’m hoping they are wrong and we only get a few inches.
29f mow with a high of 38f today. I think they are talking 3-6" starting later this morning, starting with freezing drizzle.
Batten down the hatches here comes the Saskatchewan screamer! Snow, sleet, ice and wind. This bad mamma jamma has it all. No power no problem, we got enough oak to survive a new ice age. Stay safe friends! It’s a mild 41 this morning.
Currently 37 with temps falling throughtout the night. Expecting Low teens and high winds. Wind chill 5*-0* for tomorrow. Some sort of system moving in sunday night to monday. Heard predictions of 3-6", a foot, and now 1-2" with a mix and rain. BL, oak and ash at the ready.
23 here currently with temperature dropping into single digits tonight, andbelow zero tomorrow night. Perfect for keeping a fire going all weekend. I started with ash but am now into beech and red oak.
40F here by day, going to 7F tonight. Gonna' be loadin' and burnin' for the next three days at least. Burning hardwood, lots of oak but not all of it. After oak I get a little spotty on wood identification until I run into a piece of birch or similar, distinct wood. Even with oak I cannot tell red oak from white oak once the split is weathered to medium gray. That is OK though as I cannot tell my veggies apart until they are on my plate (e.g., looking out over a field of something there seem to be two crops: 1) corn and 2) not corn).
With Beech and two small splits of Elm in the Wood Gun. There is a strong breeze out there that is just nasty cold. It’s nice to know and feel the wood burning appliance is working well. How’s your boilers burning lukem and campinspecter ?
Its been a learning experience some things that worked with the Jetstream don't work with the Vedolux !
Vedolux? What? You can tell I haven’t been keeping up on things in the boiler section. Or any section for that matter? I see your thread now. Will read. Congrats!
A windy 28 and dropping fast. An hour ago it was 38! Supposed to wake up to 7 degrees by dawn, and only hit the mid teens for highs tomorrow. I’m happy we’re getting plenty of weather that warrants my hoarding fetish Saw the guy in front of me today at Tractor Supply buying about $250 worth of those compressed hardwood bricks.... Too rich for my blood Right now I’ve got more of my black birch/apple/beech mix keeping the house in the low 70s.
Gettin in the 20s but I have some pretty good maple going in. Pretty happy with it. We should start seeing single digits soon, hopefully that will bring us to the other side.
13f right now going down to single digits and gonna feel like -8 overnight so the locust will be in the jotul tonight
Running like a champ. I need to replace a gasket I messed up on the damper housing, but other than that is easy as it gets. Put wood in every day or two and shake the handles to clean the tubes every once in a while.
Current temp 4°F heading down to -15°F. There is a possibility of -40°F with the wind so they are saying. Loaded the stove will ash & oak. The house is 69°F, the pellet stove will likely kick on sometime in the wee hours of the morning unless i reload the WS. Stay warm!
12F with a cursed east wind and real feel well below 0. Hauled three cords for delivery today and it was cold! Boiler and shop stove loaded with Oak. All toasty in here.