Got up this morning it was 10'F at 6:30AM, we're up to 14'F now at 8:40AM. My temp pic came out blurry so I thought I'd throw on a pic I got yesterday of two cardinals arguing about something.
A beautiful, comfortably cool 30 degrees outside. Black locust shorties with one token split of elm from last year’s stacks that somehow evaded the stove until today. *I hope there’s not a 60 pound cinder block of a clinker left over tomorrow morning from this absolutely HORRIBLE wood known as elm*
Finally cold enough to burn again. Had a sabbatical last week with several days in the 60s. High of 38 tomorrow. Red Oak in the stove.
Still 33 above here, mostly clear. Nice night if you like the mild weather. Low's like 28 I think. Still burning the SS wood I dug out last week. Poplar, Silver Maple, & some Elm I think.
How are you going to sleep getting all loaded up on sugar? 27° out. 75° inside. ash in the quadrafire here
Currently 26 outside and 73 inside. Loaded with a unique overnight mix of oak, hickory, spruce and ash.
9 out right now, calling for a low of 6 with 1-3 inch's of snow tonight into tomorrow, sky is cristal clear right now. Loaded the OWB with unknown oak, red oak and maybe a few splits of maple. 70 inside.
Only supposed to be low of 25 or so. I’m into all red oak right now. Unfortunately weather looks above average so gonna be hot in the house for a while. Hopefully it gets colder by the time I get to the red oak/honey locust pile.
The last few days the weather goes from the teens up to the forties plus. Going to work I'm wearing a coat and by afternoon in a t shirt. Burning white oak this evening, 31°f outside 72°F inside Personal Weather Station Dashboard | Weather Underground (
21 out, 71 in. Finally starting to feed the fire. Oak as usual. It’ll be a few weeks before I get to the mulberry.
12f @7:30AM and 70F inside. Burning R.Oak from yesterday. My next load will be some heavy old Elm. Be safe to whomever travels for da holidays. Brrrrr outside. Back to my coffee and reading!