61F here, been warm all day, wind is picking up a lot. We too are being warned of power outages & damaging winds. Falling temps tomorrow, but no real precip. I shoveled the boiler out this morning & if I knew what I threw in I'd tell ya, lightest punkiest stuff I could find. I'll be glad for some cooler temps to come back, this is stupid.
Where are you in that pic? Your description of layers is amazing. We had 80 mph winds here today and snow - and I just took my dog for a walk in a hooded sweatshirt.
It’s down to about 38* here now supposed to drop another 10*, winds still gusty up to 50mph they are supposed to diminish as well… eventually… A load of Cherry in the stove. A wildfire in western Kansas smoked us up pretty good about 3 hours ago, I thought our house was on fire but it was just blowing in from 300 miles away.
I see officially we are now at 61 degrees. This is like a summer night! We are only 5 days from the shortest day of the year now. But, as the days grow longer the cold will grow stronger.
It’s so hot in the house!!! Loaded up with silver maple last night about 10pm, still 76 in here at 8am. Wish my thermostat kept a record, must of been high 80’s in the stove room. Will be a good day to let fire go out and clean stove. Gonna be mid 60’s today.
On the way to 61 F today. Had what I'm pretty sure was maple in the stove last night. Full bed of coals glowing red this morning. Letting them burn out and going to give the stove a bit of a clean out today as well. House held through the night and the temps were 70 when I came down this morning. Last remnants of this cold I've had starting to finally burn off.
Going to 62* by 4 today. Still had a fire this morning of cherry and box elder to warm house up for the day. Not sure if I'll have a fire for the night.
No fire yesterday or this morning as it’s still warm inside. Mid-70s outside yesterday! The wind was strong but no tornadoes and no major damage here in our area of SE Iowa. This derecho just grazed us kind of like the one last year. The whole area smelled of smoke, though, from wildfires further west. The ones in Kansas, I think.
Was 35 when I got up, down to 30 now and will keep dropping through the day into the teens. Winds still blowing 15-20 with gusts of 40mph.
61 when I woke up, down to 53 now. I turned the boiler off last evening....I'll probably light it back up sometime this afternoon when I catch a break in the rain.
We are -16c/3f with a bit of snow falling. Doug fir and larch in the box. The snow has finally started to pile up after our snow was wiped out awhile back when BC had the flooding event. Snow on the ground is important around here as it gives insulation to our pipes.
55 at the moment and looks like it’ll stay that way until late afternoon tomorrow. The stove is idle but loaded with red oak for when the temperatures drop. I see some teens in the forecast coming up soon
On the drive into town to go to Bible study I did see a few trees and branches that came down last night with the high winds we had. La Crosse recorded a peak gust of 68mph. Lots of lightning and thunder but no outage here at the house. Glad we are protected from west and north winds.
37 going down to 28. Just started the stove, it was 60 this morning! Cooler temps coming, hackberry burning.
28 right now with the windchill. Wife said the house was cold so I just got a fire going with red pine and red maple. Its taking off pretty good.
12 out right now, wind may just finally be slowing down, was cold and very windy all day. Loaded the OWB up with maple, a knotty red oak limb and I think the last of my cherry wood.