High of 64 today, low of 60 tonight. Yup, 60. Boiler is doing so much idling this week it is building up quite a bit of creosote in the firebox so I flipped it off this morning and will try to get a ripping fire going this evening to clear things out.
Crazy forecast. Not quite as warm as lukem but more like spring temps for sure and that low temp can be seen here in the summertime.
Good morning everyone A mix of dry aspen , white birch that's pretty dry and a fkws round in the stove for this hour . Just in case the pic doesn't load for anyone. That's -48.5 °F ambient. Inside temp is between +32 ° and + 90° depending on where in the house a reading is taken . Goal for today is to install the lighted ceiling fan. Other than getting another sled load of firewood for the day. I won't be doing anything outside.
I took the dogs out . Spent about 10 minutes outside . I wore a thin fleece touque, 2 polyester long john shirts . Single pair of long john bottoms . Pair of liner socks and a pair of Rics ( knock off Crocks ) and a pair of fleece gloves. But, I was warm from being inside. I've had this pic on before, this is how a person needs to dress if they will be working out in these temps . I have a mid weight Marmot parka on under my canada Goose Resolute arctic parka. 2 layers of polyester long johns , 1 layer of 300 weight Grunden's fleece. -50 Refridgewear bibs under Carhartt cotton bibs . 200 weight balaclava , Northern Outfitters Arctic hardhat liner. 200 wt fleece gloves inside wool liner mittens inside insulated leather choppers with a hand warmer in each mitt. And , oddly enough. LaCrosse double insulated pack boots (steel toed no less ) with liner socks. Heavy wool socks and a pair of cotton tube socks . The goggles are a super important part of the whole setup.
Weather (uppermichiganssource.com) Wind gusts may hitt 70 mph?!!!!! Chance of thunderstorms? This forecast has power outage written all over it!
45f right now supposed to get some rain i got some maple and ash in the stove gotta keep the house warm the oil prices by me are insane some companies are charging over $4
We had wind gusts over 80 mph in my area today. Colorado Springs is reporting 107 mph at the Air Force base. There are 109,000 homes and businesses without power here right now. This type of wind is pretty unusual for Colorado. we got 4 inches of fresh now last night. Burning some Limber Pine in the Oslo.
51 out right now, feels like a spring night, I would say 90% of the foot of snow we got this weekend is melted now. Wind is picking up and they are calling for 50 to 70mph winds with some rain / severe thunderstorm . Not good for the animals, high of 25 for Tomorrow, everything is going to be ice.
This system was pretty much a non event here at home, a light rain shower & & some 50mph winds. North & south had heavy rain, hail, wind gusts 60-70mph & at least one confirmed twister. High temp was 70* today, it’s 60* now supposed to drop to mid 40’s later.
It got up to 36.9 °F today. Just a light dusting of snow and wind last night. High teens again for this evening with Arizona white oak keeping the house at a balmy 72°F Personal Weather Station Dashboard | Weather Underground (wunderground.com)
Tornado watch until 11 tonight for the area along with high wind warning until tomorrow morning. It got up to 67 today and beat the old high temp by 15 degrees set 98 years ago. May be an interesting evening. The main squall line is still west of Rochester, MN as of 7:25PM
33/81....pine and poplar. Winds are sposed to rise tonight 40's with gusts to 60 mph possible...we'll see. Rain turning to snow.
Ho ho man, you aren't kidding..... in my little place here in South Dakota we are expecting 25mph - 60mph winds. It's only supposed to be about 14'F by morning and about 1-3 inches of snow. They are calling this a blizzard though. Currently burning cottonwood......but I'll probably throw in a load of ash before bed
Didn't burn any wood today with temps getting up into the 60's. I do have the stove loaded and ready to light in the morning.
So far, it's up to 42 underneath Birch and aspen in the stove. The propane kitchen stove isn't working below -30°F outside. So my wife has been doing a lot of dinners on the woodstove lately.