I'm thinking the "happy days" are over with now. It was a good run while it lasted. Low 50's is all we're gonna get today. And rain.
Beautiful weather here the last couple days. Got a chance to get out and cut up a 22+ foot red oak log. Only took 2 and a half hours to get it done. It was attached to the root ball and on a hill side. I got it bucked up and the pieces rolled down the hill before I called it quits for the day. Next day I went back to finish rolling them down the hill to where I could split them enough to load into my trailer to get them back to the processing area. That splitting was done by hand. That was another 2 and a half hours of work. This wood won't be burned until 2028 or later.
So it blew 30 plus most of yesterday and last night. Nice and cozy in the house with fkws in the woodstove. Funny thing about building our home. Sometimes it surprised me that certain things work or accomplish what I planned them to. 28°F wind @ 15 from the east / southeast. fkws in the stove. Today is install the side door day. Day off from work. And hopefully hang some more vapor barrier ect. Ect.
Mid 70s right now. May dip down to high 50s. Not sure if we'll have a fire. Though it's not cold out, with our house sitting lower in a valley and surronded by trees, and starting to lose solar gain, it can be chilly in the evenings.
Mid 60s-70 here during the day (mostly). About 40 at night. My wife is clamoring for fires. I’m about to give in
It was just over 22 feet long and attached to the rootball. It was all on a hillside with a little bit of brush around it. I was using my 029 super with a 16 inch bar. I just turned 74 in August, so there is that
Yup I bought my Lopi Revere in 2018 and I still haven't started burning the 16inch wood I started putting up for it. The pole barn is full so I have 4 years worth there and close to 2 years outside that is split. What I cut the other day will be for sometime after all of the other wood is burned.
That's a view right there! As scenic as Cash Larue , Rope , Cold Trigger Finger post. 57F here now with dropping temps tomorrow. High of 50 for Friday & Saturday which is great because I gotta haul logs. Maple & something else in the boiler.
About 30° F outside right now 20 mph east wind blowing. Fkws in the stove. Closed down for the night. I got the vapor barrier hung. And the side door installed, and the lockset installed. As we live in the house now . It was a lot more work than it sounds.