Love your Frenchie! We have been in the low to mid 30's up until about 10 am lately. Been burning some shoulder season junk to knock the chill off every morning.
So my forcast is showing freeze up coming next week. This week we will be getting afternoon highs above freezing. Roads and the highway was slick as could be this morning here. Most drivers were pretty good. But there were plenty of sits marks where the new people from down south put a learning curve in. About 29°F at the moment. Mostly calm. And clear. Still light out. Tho the sun has set. Supposed to be cloudy tomorrow. Got some white spruce slabs and fire killed splits in the stove.
Still warm here in western NY. Last year we had 1/2 dozen small fires by now. Not complaining. This week I vacuumed out the stove, swept the chimney, ordered some spare gaskets and filled up inside wood storage rack with splits. I’m ready to fire it up when the temps drop.
If I wasn't juggling building a home and work. I would have taken the time to enjoy hunting season . And getting wood in ect and wouldn't mind winter coming on. It's just trying to get everything done before freeze up that gets stressful.
Hunting season for me starts late next week. Right now there is fire in the stove. 64 inside; 47 outside when I got up. Rain and breezy.
42F this fine morning. We are closing in on needing heat season. Looks like highs in the upper 70's on and off so we will wait. Which is fine.
I'll be in the stand Saturday morning. 48 when I let the dogs out at 4:30 this morning. No fire yet, but soon.
And with that line, images of a woman in a red dress begin are looming.... :salute: PM me for the rest of the story! :rofl: :lol:
22 this morning@ 5:30 . I've started bringing in the generator at night and before I leave for work. It starts so nice when it's been inside all night or day. Fire killed white spruce in the stove.
77 here, but boy is it humid. That's suppose to drop today and weekend is looking glorious low-mid 70's with low humidity. Think I'll stack more splits on the front porch this weekend! Next month I'll clean out the liner and be ready to rock and roll
Went about 50 0r more miles north today. High today here was 53 (50 now) and up there was 46 but no rain there although they had got plenty. Got back and it has been raining ever since.
Upper 60's today. Bible study at church this morning and buying our years supply of winter squash this afternoon.
53 now. Cleaned pipe, blower, replaced 2 cracked bricks. Stove is lit with some cherry that's been stacked out bak for over 2 on!!