We had 55 this morning so we didn't have a fire but we did put in two loads of Pine before the heavy rains come in.
Snow has been coming down since yesterday at 5pm. We have about 5-6 inches, I have one of the kids machines out of summer mothballs and a Summit and Tundra all ready to go they are outside getting snowed on as we speak. Not quite enough snow to float the skis, the slugs are bouncing off rocks.
Of course I didn't need to make a fire.... But, it is a gloomy day so I decided to make one anyway. Just some pine to knock off the dust. I must have killed 20 stink bugs that were hanging out in the fire box.
Dude... I just checked the weather where my father in law lives in Butler Pennsylvania and it’s 70 there... what’s it at where you’re at?!?!
I said it was gloomy, not cold! Yeah, probably mid 60's. I just needed an excuse to get things running before we hit the low 40's later this week. But on this point... I make an unreasonably early fire and post about it of a firewood hoarding forum and I am the problem?! The question is Eric, why isn't your house 82° right now?
Nah... it’s not unreasonably early. Looking back at my old pictures, it was September 20th last year when I had my first fire of the season. I usually don’t light my stove until it’s in the low 40s anyway. Truth be told, I’m not ready yet! I still need to get up on my roof and clean my chimney, and also replace one fire brick. In a couple weeks when the temps drop a bit, I’ll be ready. Enjoy your fire tonight, looks good
Lol. I think it was Jimmy Carter that had big AC units installed at Camp David so that he could have fires in the summer.
Well, it's 59 & getting some much needed rain here. I fired the boiler up tonight to run the sludge treatment thru it. It's gotta run at temp for a week then drain & refill. I hope it stays cool enough so the radiant heat doesn't kill me out in the shop.
Lightly snowing at the moment. 29 F ambient White Spruce 1 year seasoned slab wood in the stove. I guess I'll call that Shoulder season firewood
Calling for rain starting today and heavy rain tomorrow. Looking at 80* today and mid 70s tomorrow. Weekend sounds like it will be beautiful. I'll start moving wood down saturday.
We had 60 this morning, it's humid out so I'll wait until the cold front moves in before s/s the Ironwood. We had some rain this morning but the heavier stuff comes in tomorrow.
You and Cold Trigger Finger are nuts for living in Alaska... But I could totally do it My wife couldn't do it though. She likes bikini season too much