We don't shovel them here. We pack them down so we get a frozen layer ontop of the gravel. Usually pack the first 2 snows . Then plow after that for the rest of the winter. Currently 29° white spruce slabs going in the wood stove
Looks like this week might be the one. We are in the 80s now but it looks to drop to the low 40s by the end of the week. See you on the other side!
I’m going nuts here. High of 97. Mother Nature thinks it’s July. At least it's supposed to cool down for a couple of days before heading back up to the 90's again. Mike in Okla
Still 70s day 40s at night. No stove needed as long as sun comes out we still have windows open!! But I stopped here for a new cat
Woo Hoo, got down to 52ºF last night and last night early right after a cold front went thru. Closed the bedroom and living room windows, but left the bathroom and kitchen windows open. It was a nice 68ºF in the living room in the A.M. I don't think that would work too many nights in a row as things started to cool off but it was nice for last night. Forecast is for a couple degrees warmer tonight . When I had my 4wd Tacoma I would often just run up and down the driveway and pack the snow down. Every now and then there would be a fun hill to climb over at the end of the driveway.
It's kinda stupid. The leaves aren't even fully out of the trees get. Some Aspen's here are still mostly green leaved.
This was this afternoon about 1:30 ish. A different road system ( Sawmill Crik road) . I was trying to get pics of the pretty Bright yellow leaves. So avoided the places where lots of the leaves were green. Currently it's 29° ambient wind-chill is around +23.
I was just out walking the pups. Well if you can call a 6 months 1 week old 80 lb dog a pup. His half sister is 8 month and a half and about 55 lbs. They are 2 handfulls to take out together as they wrassle at warp speed and strength. Anyway. There is almost 2" accumulation in the trees that are bare. Had to find a touqe with ear flaps. And wear a good jacket and fleece gloves. My body hasn't got firmed up to the cold yet.
57F at 4AM. 40's for lows starting tomorrow morning. Maybe I can finally talk the wife into turning off the A/C
We are looking at highs in the 50's for a couple days. But the forecast is for above normal temps for October.
Forecast was for overnight temps to be a little warmer than last night. Last I knew 49ºF is cooler than 52ºF. Probably a good thing I closed all the windows last night. 68ºF inside this morning is alright.
Hot and dry to cooler and muddy. Some areas in western NC might see 6” before this rain train moves through. First all day rain since I don’t know when.