24*feels like 11* snow fail here. 1-5 inches all around us. Maple and hackberry making it 72* inside.
Welcome to the FHC Perry long jr My father is living with us and he likes to be toasty. And while he didn’t heat his home with wood, he likes his black box! With temps 82-87, or he gets hot. Luckily my bedroom stays about 67
Hey, you're finally as "warm" as we were at about the same time this am. I took the pups out at 9am and it was still -8°. The pup started picking his back paws up after 5 minutes. Good thing they both did all of their business. He loves snow, and until this cold snap, he hasn't seemed to be affected by cold at all. Now it's a balmy -4° Ash on top of the sugar Maple, ironwood, and locust coals this am
-7F actual temp with -20F windchill right now. Can't wait until it warms up in a hour or so. High of -3F expected Yeeehaw!
28* just started snowing lightly 1 - 3 expected burning some Red Maple and Red Oak keeping the house at 70* Will have to reload the OWB around 4PM then good for the night.
Sauna sounds like a good plan. after a big brunch the Mrs. and I and getting in. Hopefully she will leave out the orange essential oil this time.
Okay, that makes sense, I am not. We've started a church here that's meeting in a barn due to the covid restrictions. Very conservative, but not Quaker.
4 and 74. Shagbark doing the work here. I was going to do some cutting today but talked myself out of it. Great day to soak up some heat.
-4 out 68 in. Enerzone has chewed threw some wood this weekend. But I'm still in shorts and a t-shirt. A bummer I have to work this week. 5 years ahead I'm getting the itch to cut and split.
After a nice clear, bright, sunny day, the temps are dropping like a rock! -19 right now. Used a little more wood in the OWB today.
12 right now, heading for 6 overnight. Ash & sugar maple in the stove this evening. More of the same and maybe a piece or 2 of locust for the overnight. 73 inside. Our Sunday was different as since last March we have had church online for Sunday morning but we finally got to meet together for the first time but did it Sat. night. (We were meeting in a school as we had outgrown our church when the China Virus hit us) We have a new building bought now but it is not ready yet so we are going to meet on Sat. at another church building. (Renting their space to help them out as they are in a transition period).