30 here, 76 inside sun is shinning but the winds are kicking up a bit. Chilly weekend in store, time to dig out those big ole oak splits for TN.
3F now. Believe we actually dipped below zero overnight. Bright and sunny when I went out for a hike around the place. Not a breeze to speak of. Makes for very crunchy snow! Dropped a pine split on the coals while I was out and will be reloading with a straight load of super dry bark less Elm shortly. Now where did I set my coffee!
Supposed to stay below 32 today which I believe is the first time this winter. The fire gets whatever comes off the stack. Mostly red oak.
Zero this morning and clear skies. Furnace ran a couple times before I got up. Lopi is eating some birch. A few years ago I must have cut up a big birch to have so much ready to burn now. I do not separate wood by species.
We had 3.1 for a low this morning with some sugar maple, yellow birch and a few splits of cherry. So far the temp has only made it to 6.
Temps are up to the low 20's now. It's going to snow tonight. Ash and honey locust on the quadrafire's diet today. I have noticed that of you just try to burn all HL, it really doesn't like it. The flames like to die out on HL only loads. So then you have to give it more air than typical. If you have just 1 different species of tree split in the load, it acts completely normal. I've tried it with apple, ash, American hophornbeam( ironwood), and Shagbark hickory so far. Mind you this is 3 yr seasoned well under 20% MC locust too. But I'll say this, that HL puts out some really good heat. Like mid summer beach party clothing weather heat, except in Wisconsin in mid January.
20 and snowing here. The Regency is keeping us warm with three smallish silver maple spits running hot to burn down coals from the loads of sugar maple I have been burning. I have turned off the furnace. It has been running non-stop since it was installed on 1/05. I got us a small electric heater with a thermostat for our bedroom, and my wife's comfort in the very early mornings before I get up to stoke the stove.
a couple baby pools full of sand pina coladas with some Jimmy Buffett music .. they say your crazy BUT they all want to visit and
22 degrees out with a stiff wind today. I don’t sort when I stack - it gets stacked as I split it - whatever the hoard. Consequently, it’s usually a mix of mostly Maple, Black Locust, Ash, a bit of Oak, Pine, ect and it goes in the stove the same way. Well, 30 months ago I must have hit the Silver Maple score of the year cause the “take from now” stack is 100% Silver Maple - been burning it all week. A fine opportunity to make some observations... - Lights off easy - produces nice quick hot fire. - Burns faster than Ash, typically 3 stove loads a day rather than 2. - Virtually no ash left in the stove - I’ve not had to scoop ash yet this week. Cheers -
Calling for colder temp's tonight dug through the stack and loaded the OWB with Red Oak and Shagbark Hickory came in the house and turned up the thermostat to 72.
In the mid to high 20s for most of day, and windy. Son had first sporting clays practice, it was quite brisk. Oak and some ash chunks keeping room at 72 or so. Upstairs about 67.