Cooked chili here yesterday so I think you're right on schedule! ............ sorry about the pizza.............
30* here this morning another dusting of snow about an inch. The Ash, Oak and Maple combo in the OWB keeping us warm.
I'm not sure what the exact temp was this morning (over 20 degrees) but I loaded up the stove with some Yellow Birch.
Supposed to get down to 14 tonight. Still burning on some BL from yesterday....throw some more in tonight.
27* outside and 70* inside. Predicted to get to 14* overnight. Brought in some of the good stuff 2 year old locus in.
Cold here. It got to like 15° today after single digits overnight. Tonight, single digits again. They say when colder than last night. Yesterday it was 41°. Crazy. Burning honey locust, hickory, ironwood, apple, and ash. Snow tomorrow night, 2-4" or so. This should be nice for our out of town guests from Florida.
Winter has returend here! Snowing pretty steady now and we're supposed to get up to 8". Temps in the mid 20's. I uncovered a vein of apple in my stack and that is what we're burning tonight. I'll have it going all weekend.
Dropped to 3 here as the skies were pretty kinda clear near sunset. They have since clouded up a bit. Wind has died down and the fire in the basement stove is on it's more handouts for it!
32F at the moment anticipating it to drop 10 degrees by dawn’s early light. Came home to the fire being out but the house still at 71. Just got it going again and filled to the top with an overnight mix of red oak, ash, black locust and a solitary piece of hickory.
2F with the windchill here at the moment just threw in a big black locust knot and a small oak round. House is currently at 70F.
Temps stayed up at 8 overnight. After the initial drop right around sunset, they rose a little and stayed put. Doesn't look like any new snow but can't really tell until the walk.
9F here overnight. Beautiful morning, clear & calm. Just loaded some White Oak in the boiler. I hope the clear skies hold on today.