Damp here this morning and above freezing. It takes very little wood to heat in these temps. Still have snow but have gained a few bare spots.
It never cooled down last night. 30 with a coating of new snow....less than 2" it looks like but at these temps, it'll be heavy!
Weird weather here. One minute it is bright and sunny, the next it is near white-out. Wind is picking up some...mid 30's. Haven't ventured out to the boiler yet...hit a big pocket of hedge and black locust in the stacks so it should be fine from last night's load.
Hello all! Haven’t posted in about 13 months but I’m still here. Glad to see y’all are as well! Not much new on this end. Still hoarding although not as much lately as I’m trying to keep less wood in the yard. Been on the hunt for a larger house so I don’t want a lot of wood to move when we move out(hopefully soon but market is insane). Anyways, it was around 40 today with drizzle on and off. Low of 28 tonight. Got a mixed bag going. Sugar maple, silver maple, white oak and ash. Cool picture I thought, evil eyes!
30 and 69 here this AM. Stove is satisfied with last nights load. Wind has picked up significantly overnight and our weather event seems to have been chased to the east. Wind sure makes the house bleed heat! Coffee time. Have a great day everyone.
26 with Maple and Beech still gassin from last night. I haven’t been outside yet. Looks like we have only received maybe an inch or so of snow so far.
28 now with a high of 32 and overcast all day. I'll be burning quarter splis of some red oak in the stove while I'm outside splitting and stacking more logs for next winter.
Fairly warm here this AM , right around 34 right now and raining ; more damp than cold. Weather says it will be a little warmer today than normal and rain should be stopping this morning. Burning a mixture of hardwood , a little oak , ash and some black birch. It all works for me.
42f here, 73 inside. It’s not that cold out but it’s windy so it feels a lot cooler. Sycamore and ash in the stove.
40* right now outside inside 76*. Poor attempt at snow last night. Temps warming up. Hackberry and popular in stove trying not to turn the house into a sauna.