Sad, but they are not alone. Even what is standing did not dry well this fall. Very high moisture; very high drying bills.
Over here it is planted anywhere from late September to early November. I have seen some planted later but that is rare.
It’s still above freezing this morning at 33, with 76 inside. Rain changing to snow later supposedly but just a dusting and slick roads tonight and tomorrow morning. Loving the mild temperatures!
Me too, but I think we're the minority. Weather guys are saying it will be mild right though January. 35° here and raining. I've been burning mixed maple all week, oak would be too hot. Going to run out of shoulder season wood soon.
39* yesterday 40* today wish I put up more shoulder season wood. Been digging thru separating out the Hickory and White Oak burning Maple, Red Oak and Pine.
I'm amazed that we have not heard more about global warming because it has been so warm since Thanksgiving. Had just a short burst of mist this morning but nothing serious.
5c/41f here at the moment, burning some ash and birch. It always seems to be a couple of degrees cooler over here than whatever the weather forecast is but it’s been very mild for the time of year.
34* outside, little windy and a little rain mixed with some spitting snow. Man does that combination feel cold. 70* inside. Stove running on Maple.
Pine, Hornbeam and Beech. 77°F inside - outside 35°F right now. Finally got the last bit of roofing up today. Was raining all day until i finished work...