A very balmy 36F at 420AM. Super dry bark-less Elm load percolating nicely since the beginning of the 3rd quarter last night..
95f or 35c so no burning here just starting to warm up for summer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
35 and 77, headed for mid 40’s and rain for 2 days, then a quick freeze. Oh joy! Still burning coals down. Small fire today.
30F on the back porch already at 9:15. Ash and Pine keeping things plenty warm. Suppose to go to 42 and get some rain.
'Bout the same here. 34 and rain, high of 40 again with a low of 18 and rain turning to snow tonight. Not much, but the skating rink will be open soon.
30OAT this morning and fed the stove some dry paper birch. Temps dropping today with snow moving in shortly. We had a little drizzle overnight and my deck is like a skating rink. Good thing I don't have to go any place today.
Schools are cancelled once again. The highways are snow covered but plows are out. the snow itself is a heavy snow, but not laden with moisture. So far, 7" has fallen-according to my shovel in the driveway. The speeds on the highway were noticeably lower this morning. That's a very good thing! Had to drive the rav to dealership for an issue which they cleared up promptly! No charge and a good day. Now the temps start a 2 day decline.
1230 reload. Elm. I've been splitting for 3 days straight. Just pulled the plug. Temp went down 16 degrees since this morning and we have had a heck of a clipper come through with some short term heavy snow and 35+ mph winds. Anybody East of me be prepared. Old man winter is back and headed east And he seems irate!
I know this sounds weird to most of ya. The south winds have changed here in Arkansas. It's coming from the north again. We were at 62 at noon and I was really getting things done. It's 58 at 2:45 and windy now, so I know I have to batten down the hatches for a while.
We had drizzle this morning and snow started around lunch time. We only got 2 inches here. Wind was strong for part of the day but we are sheltered. Going down to single digits tonight. Made it out before supper and got the driveway cleaned up and topped off the wood boxes at the house.
Shoveled out (snowblower too) after dinner (couple hours ago) but its still snowing. May have to cancel my road trip tomorrow morning. Temp is at 15f outside now.