A load of mostly tulip poplar this morning (27f outside). I should start every fire with tulip poplar as it gets rolling nice and quick. The tubes are firing like a meth infused harmonica player. I am learning the limits of my little insert. This being my first year on the three year plan, I went a little to hard trying to keep then thermostat from kicking on when it wasn’t that cold out and did some damage to the first year stack. We do have relatively cheap nat. gas, so I should probably relax my 100% wood (stretch) goal and save the ragers for when it is cold. At least until some of that red and white oak has a chance to dry out.
No fire last night or this am. Bike ride in shorts/jersey yesterday. It was 60F when I went to bed last night. 72F predicted for today and close to that tomorrow. Will catch the back side of an artic front on Monday......ice, freezing rain. Best weather forecast for the front range...…. Les Nessman eye witness forecast.....look out the window.
Will do. It needs to be replaced, but I personally would rather just remove it. Very loud at night when it's raining and we are trying to sleep. If we forget to close the door before bedtime.
Got up a little before 5 this morning. Was 18 os and a cold 65 is. Enough coals to get the wood burning. Chaz is working on final winter prep. Will be putting up the plastic panels for the front porch to keep the snow out. I believe he also planning to bring more wood down for the front porch. What else he has planned, no idea but it has warmed up to 30. The sun is out so maybe a few degrees to go.
We are holding at 42f now, but front is upon us now with steady light rain, which will be switching to snow overnight. Low of 5f by Monday morning. Heading to dear camp Wednesday 18 miles NE of Grand Marais where we will be burning some poplar, birch, black ash, and maybe a few bigger sugar maple splits for overnighters. I buttoned things up here at the house with the yard/garden today...so all good to go. Its going to be a long 3 days!
Well ya got me beat, but I'm close to a cord in. Boiler's been cooking since October 4th. Nice here today, 24 overnight & made 42 with some sun today. Cut & split about 3/4 cord & hauled up some Oak so I don't have to get into my covered high btu stuff yet. Burning Pine now.
Came home from hunting around 11 and the house was HOT!!! Low 30’s tonight, more of that maple... I have a little over a cord of it, and it seems to be doing well... it actually is coaling fairly great. I forget which maple it was, as it was 2yrs or so ago I cut it, but we dont get the really good ones like up north.
For sure Rope has us all beat on how much wood we've burned. I really don't know how much we've burned here but not much. Although in the last week we've gone through a bit and next week sounds like we'll go through even more.
Was a warm day, the boys and I broke it the splitter and took care of the birch I have been bringing home and pilling on the ground.
Well, I'm assuming from your description of you're location your about 63º or 64º of Latitude. I'm at 38.9º Latitude. Yeah, I'm sure your "waaaaaay" ahead of me!