Went all day yesterday without fire with the weird warm rainy weather. Most of today, too, but the temp dropped almost 30* since morning, and the wind is obnoxious. Just lit up a little one with white pine and a piece of silver maple - we'll be burning overnight for the first time with temps getting into 20s with big wind on top of it. Think I'll run silver maple overnight, see what it can do solo.
I think you'll find the Silver will do well in that stove, ultra dry wood like that will make a decent burn time in the IS. 39F here & cloudy. Weather was decent today, dry a bit of sun & wind helped dry things up a bit. Hauled the rest of the White Oak up to finish the stacks near the boiler. Catalpa & Pine in the boiler.
35* s....temps droppin pretty fast....low around 28*...burnin straight oak...will reload before aye aye time..
I live in northeast Ohio but I spent the week down in Houston. On holloween, it was colder down there than it was here! Home now, 32 degrees and clear out. Nice 2 year standing dead, 2 year CSS ash burning inside in the Buck 74, and in the garage in the Baby Bear. Always nice to see the secondaries on the 74 cranking away with the inlet air control in the “closed” position. We refuse to turn the oil forced air furnace on - but the house sure has it’s hot and cold spots. Especially the basement.
Well, I didn't follow through. It was 78 downstairs at bedtime. Easier to wake up and start over than sweat the wife out - she spends a lot of time downstairs overnight nursing the new one. Hungry little fella.
20* outside with a pretty heavy frost it looks like this morning. Had the first overnight fire last night. Its just been cherry chunks and uglies so far. I got the stove loaded up again with cherry for this morning.
28° here, working my way through poplar, with a little maple mixed in. I brought my houseplants in yesterday, I think this is the latest I've ever left them outside. I set them up under gro-lights in the basement, next to the oak stack. It's pretty crowded down there!
We were a bit late too. We just had our first frost maybe a week ago?? I hope this doesnt mean winter will drag in to April next year...
Who knows ?....seems typical for cold to run longer anymore. Im always curious as to what the seasons wil bring...
I lied, it will be tonight. At 8pm the house was still 72* without the heat pump running where I have it set to kick on at 68*... in an effort to not sweat to death i decided not too... this morning when I woke up early for hunting it was 32* out and heat pump was running.... but I left for hunting lol. This evening for sure!
35* OS 70* IS Ash. Lots of snow still. Leaves on top. I'm wondering if they will be easier to blow into a pile that way!