-4c/25f right now. Spruce and doug fir keeping the house warm. Kill em all by Metallica keeping me awake.
34f supposed to be mild but cloudy today. Pine and maple in the wood beast. I’ll probly have to open doors and windows later...
30 here with a moderate frost, Red Maple on the menu this morning. Doing what it does best, drying the load of laundry I just put on the clothes racks by the stove.
Only have one overnight forecasted into the 20's this coming week. That translates into another week of the cottage water being left on!
Not cold here but really windy. Power is off. Estimate is 12.5 hours to restore but that is bull as they still do not know what the cause is. With the wind, no doubt it is a tree or limbs on a line somewhere. I can't imagine....with all the dead ash trees around.
Backwoods Savage I thought you'd like the wave sizes in this warning for today! Warnings for Houghton, Michigan | Weather Underground
Some nasty boating out there tonight! Watch out for those freighters. Remember the Edmund Fitzgerald.
Just checked the extended forecast again and it looks like I may be dis-connecting the water at the cottage of wed. mid 20's make for "hard water" inside of the pipes.....(open crawl space at the cottage) Dang!