It was around 67f here last night. I was almost cold when I went outside! Today it was only around 85 felt good outside today!
60* this morning on my way to work. Had the windows down the whole way. On my way home today I'm sure the windows will be up and the AC cranking.
67 has to feel good for you folks. We felt really good when we hit 50. Last night though it did not get as cool as it only got down to 59. Was 78 for the high yesterday. I'm loving this weather but I see the dewpoint is starting to rise again. Right now it is at 57. Hope it does not go up any more.
Officially above 91ºF some time today. Had to turn the A/C on last night as the house was taking forever to cool off and it has been on and off all day.
Well 73 out right now but was sitting on the porch reading and here comes the rain. With the humidity we had it felt closer to 80. The wind kicked up and you could feel the temps dropping and pouring outside now.
It was nice out this morning for a while. Humidity or dewpoint must have kicked up, because I had to turn on the air before I left for the day. Wife had it turned off when I got home and had most of the windows open. Nice breeze, temp about 73, partly sunny. Super nice.
Got 1.4" rain yesterday. Brought cooler air to us so no air conditioning again. Had an MRI today. Geeze, I was in the hospital from 11:00 until almost 3:30.
Sitting at 63.7 f with welcome monsoon rain showers cooling everything off nicely. If it somehow pushes down into the 50's I'll be in heaven.
Typical Summer day here in Southern CT. Mid 80's and dewpoint in low 70's so sweating was a given with any outdoor activity. Started cloudy, afterwards full sun then mix later in the day. We grilled this evening and ate outside on the deck. Had box fan blowing even though it wasnt too bad. Scattered T-storms seemed to have fizzled before reaching us. Bark and hardwood scraps in the firepit. Last nights pizza box awaiting its turn in the fire!
84 and just a few clouds today, 73 now. Mid 80's for the next week and just a 20-30% chance of rain showing. Farmers are working day and into the night making hay now. AND FINALLY the yard can go more than 3 days without mowing.
Nice here again. We did get really warm for a short time in the afternoon yesterday until some rain moved through, but we only got .1". But it is still cool here so nice.
Wow, temp went from 89* to 59* in just a couple hours. Storm moved in, thrilled my patch of sod had it's first substantial drink in far too long (I hope alot of it comes back ). Guessing stove will be on tonight and for sure at 6 am.