Warm weather isn't here yet but it sure is nice to come in from outside and the humidity is lower. A/C is coming out of the basement and going in the window tomorrow or Friday as this is supposedly the cool weather. Humidity right now is 89%. Ugh.
Been a cooler summer so far, temps mostly Hi 70's. We had 20 inches of snow on the ground on April fool's day. Very unusual at this elevation (2900) so it's been a weird year. Haven't had a fire since about June 5th.
Might hit 90 today but I hope not. Just turned the air conditioner on again about 5 minutes ago. Storm coming at us out of Wisconsin but I'm betting it will all break up before it gets to us. Too bad though as we now need the rain. It is getting terribly dry here.
Today is the start of the 100th Delaware State fair.... to celebrate, mother nature said lets make it 100* in honor of the century mark!
did you volunteer for the dunking booth Ejp1234 ?. We will be close to that this weekend here in Southern CT. If they need a volunteer, let me know!
What an ugly night. A low of 77 degrees made it like a sauna all night. When I stepped outside this morning it felt like someone just stoked the fire and poured more water on the stones. Nasty for sure. However, we have so far been spared from the high temperatures that many are experiencing, fortunately. It appears that will change today and tomorrow.
Off to watch brothers osborne at the fair, its on a blacktop parking lot of the racetrack lol... while its still daylight and its literally 99* with a 110* real feel the local news says... woohoo!! In feb when i bought the tickets, this didnt cross my mind as a problem hahaha
I heard a report from the local weather people saying the heat index hit 117 degrees yesterday. At 7 this morning the temp at the house was 80 and very humid. Storms should be rolling in throughout the day. Good day to stay inside.
Ok it is 92 and sunny and a neighbor decided to start mowing. Well it just turned off the mower. Waiting to here if it starts up again.
We had a few rounds of thunderstorms today and when it was all over temps had dropped into the low 70's with much lower dew points. Going to be a nice week.
Mid 90's today with dewpoints in the mid to upper 70's. Same forecasted for tomorrow. Heat/air quality warnings in affect here until late tomorrow as well. Actually took a nap this afternoon in the AC. Headed to Block Island tomorrow. Started firepit for charcoal & kept it going while i cooked. Grilled, of all things, spicy sausage patties. I sat out for a while til they were done, then retreated to AC to eat. Hardwood chunks and bark in firepit.