42ºF outside this morning. Pine in the stove. No more today though, at least not until later. Sheesh, warm up already.
Still chilly here, this morning's 4:30 load is still holding the indoors at 76. Was very glad to get the grass cut in the last hour, which was blessedly dry. Think the stove will go cold tonight. ...tomorrow night, probably a different story. Still dipping below 40 overnight for a couple days.
House is still 72ºF from the last fire this morning. Git up to 58ºF for a short bit but it is back down to 5oºF Was a dry enough day I was able to cut the lawn as well. A little wet in the tall patches but not enough to clog the mower. What I did do was run out of gas and now it's surging on high throttle. Sigh. Some Seafoam didn't help.
Woke up to 51 this morning! What a surprise..... but rain for 1/2 day they say. At these temps, its gonna be that "loud" rain variety.
No fire yesterday or today. Got up to 81 yesterday and we had the windows open overnight. Thunderstorms rolled in around 6 this morning and they were done by 7:30 after dropping .67 inches of rain. Calling for a high in the low 80's today before cooling off for the next week with more rain coming. Glad I got the lawn mowed yesterday.
I haven't checked in here on this thread for a while. We have had weeks of rain and cold, I haven't burned in a week or so. We haven't seen 60* I don't think, since I don't know when. Never mind 70* It has snowed recently a bit above us, but felt like it might do so here. We still have dozens of Daffodils in full bloom that normally would be gone by. The lilacs should be about past by now and just started to open. Maples, Beech, and Birch, are the only trees with leaves around here. I can't remember the last time I wore just a tee shirt.
42 and rain.. I love spring in Vermont.. Last year it was a Thursday.. Mud season still going strong..
Yesterday we had some apple and peach blossoms open. Just a few lilacs also opened. Spring is here! Skeeters will be hatching early next week no doubt.
Good morning to all, 49 here now and the sun is bright with a light wind, looks like it might be a glorious day.
I just got home @ 0530 from a 12 hr shift. bedtime coming soon. I'll miss the day, but will get to enjoy the full moon.
44 out 63 in Boiler was out. Outside temps are all over the place everyday. Still learning how to fire the boiler for warmer weather. Small load just to bring temps up.
55 here this morning, 70 inside, had the windows open just a crack overnight. Going to put the air conditioners in today as we have 85 predicted for Sunday. Also plan on getting the cover off the pool and we have 5 yards of mulch coming. No fire since Tues here. Summer is on the way.