Nothing right noe? What about now? Anything? How the hell ya doing there Adam? Hanging in there? Has it been a busy last few weeks?
Yes I am Gasifier , just loaded it up with Beech and a few splits of Sugar Maple. I think we're at 9 already, we brought some Ironwood in with some Beech yesterday but we'll be saving that for Wednesday and after.
Ya. Looks like we will get a mix Saturday, mostly later in the day/evening, snow/sleet/freezing rain.(Looks like only a little of the ice now though, fingers crossed). Then turning warm and 100% chance of rain on Sunday.
I got those alerts when you guys quoted me. Weird. But not before when you responded to the thread and didn't quote me.
That's a safety that they put in for 2015 so you don't spend all your time at the computer instead of gathering wood and feeding the fire.
Where is that buzzer for wrong answer?!!!! There it is. I was in the woods today for about 3.5 hours cutting wood after I did a bunch of other stuff.
It is 3º on the back porch this morning. The boiler did great last night loaded with large splits of Ash and two of Maple. A little earlier I loaded it half full of Ash and Pine. Suppose to get some mix of nasty stuff later today, most likely after 4pm. 1-3" this evening, then 3-5" of snow and ice overnight. I'm going to get a day in the woods before it hits, and I will start the generator on one of my breaks and get some more gas for it. Prolly have enough already, but might as well be sure. Then tomorrow it looks like we will lose almost everything with the temps going to 45º and 100% chance of rain!
It's 30 here with a nasty mix falling. Have the usual suspects - ash and mystery wood rolling right now keeping it toasty. Supposed to warm up later and change to all rain this afternoon then bump 60 tomorrow.
had a So. American leather pallet show up at the factory last week. for years the SA's used mahogany for their pallets, used to love that stuff. now they seem to have changed to a reddish soft wood. burns ok but not like mahogany. luckily we've got a good supply of hard wood pallets coming in biweekly, great supplement to the splits. get ready for a short cold snap with storms and more cold. long haul till end of winter's dog days. traditional date is Feb,10.
When I hit the sack last night we had 1 degree on the radio shack special, we woke up to -3, the house upstairs was 67 this morning.
Been fairly cold last week 0° for a low, but warmed up this morning 15° when I woke up. Wood box needs filled every other day, going through a lot of wood. Burning mostly birch and a little tamarack.
13 degrees out here this morning. Cleaned out the ash's lastnight already for this cold weather that we got going. Got some Honey Locust, Mulberry, and Oak rollin' this morning...
25º this morning with Pine burning in the boiler. Snow came down last evening and a little overnight. Don't know if I should plow because it is suppose to warm up to 45º today and rain. But with this much snow I doubt it will all go away. Hard to tell. Things will be a lot cleaner if I plow this mess up. Then it rains on that and I could then see the parking area and driveway stone.
I just opened the window and took a listen. Not good. Freezing rain coming down and the trees are starting to bend here.
Woke up at 4am to 2 above. Its now -2 and the wind has picked up. Mulberry in the stove keeping my tootsies warm.
Woke up to 17f and freezing drizzle on top of 6" of snow. We don't have the glazing that Loon has in his picture. Stove had a bed of coals which came right back to life. Think I'm gonna wait until the temp. drops before I plow. Snow looks heavy right now.