I saw around Greenville they may get 6-12. How far up are you? It's hard to get any weather info on TV this morning, all the forecasts are for Fenway Park.
Yeah they got hammered and they still had 3’ on the ground. It’s a snowmobilers paradise. I’m right near the south end of Sebago Lake, about 30 minutes northwest of Portland. We typically get about 50% more snow than Portland and Greenville gets twice as much as Portland in an average winter. The lake is big enough to affect the weather especially early in the season before it freezes and it doesn’t always freeze over so we get dumped on occasionally. According to the forecast I just watched we’re right on the line for the next storm between 1-2” and 2-4”.
That's how they make their money up there! I read that Big Squaw mountain is open for skiing again, too. I rode the chairlift once in the fall, before it broke in the '90's. 2-3 inches, that's not good. It should melt this weekend, right? Saturday they say 70° for us.
No fire yesterday. Temps got up to the mid 70's. Top layer of ground in the woods is still muddy. If we can dodge the snow later this week, the woods may finally dry up a bit to allow for cutting safely.
Strange that the weather people say it did not get as warm yesterday as it did Sunday but here it felt much warmer! A beautiful day to be out working. Cooler today. Some slop coming for a couple days. Will be starting fires again soon.
31°F snowing heavily! Past 2 days nothing but freezing rain, snow, & sleet. Looks like the rest of the week will continue to be unstable.
32* and we got a dusting of snow, so I lit a fire with Boxelder. I just hafta burn when the ground is white, just on principle.
I hope this melts over the weekend and it just might. We’re supposed to be in the 60’s on Saturday and 50’s Sunday. It could be worse. We could be in South Dakota!
30 and 78 this morning on coals. I’ll be reloading soon as it’s only going to be about 40 today. Warmup starting tomorrow so they say.
Low 20's with fresh snow everywhere. Wherever the ground was bare (not too many places) its all white once again.
A crisp spring morning rolling to nice day. Spruce keeping the house warm. On the overnight fire program.
I might be wrong (am lots of times) but so far this storm doesn't look too bad. But they say it should grow. Our forecast says some snow tonight then rain through Friday followed by off and on rain for the next week. Yuck.
The frost just come out of a few of my raised beds yesterday so I planted spinach, kale, lettuce, chard, radish, and peas. The rhubarb and garlic is poking through the mulch. Now it is snowing hard with 3" of fresh snow already on the ground. We are in for another 6-12"overnight through tomorrow night with some mixed precipitation for good measure. Just west of here there is 12-24" of snow expected. Up the north shore at our cabin there could be quite a bit as well. Spring returns next week I guess.
I agree with you. Not I the "I might be wrong" part; rather, I agree on the "storm doesn't look too bad" part! Never got out of the 30's today.
Low 40's cloudy damp NE wind ramping up, little snow, little fr rain, little rain, then thunder storms, then rain & some more rain. I'm sure I'll be able to get everything done that I need to in that weather. Some Oak puttering in the boiler.