The kitchen chairs! The kitchen chairs! We want pics of your dog house the wife makes for you after you do that too!
I broke down and started burning my oak, the PH seems to love oak, caught quick and shot the PH up to 600. I find in this cold weather (about 17 now) that instead of 3 loads I burn 2-3 split of pine in between loads, I have some burning now and then Ill load up with oak for the night. Cold weathers coming, everyone get ready!
Same here, dug into the oak supply tonight. Tonight I'm running a test of sorts, full oak for the overnite. Looking forward to a hotter stove thru the night and large coals in the morning.
Omaha... 0.1f now. Wind chills -20 to -28 till 9 Am Wednesday . Red elm in the upstairs fireplace. Really cranking out the BTU's Downstairs I'm burnin Mulberry & Oak. Feels like payday to me!
Yup, it's chilly out tonight (-13 right now), but it warms up and gets steady for the next week or two. Should be upper 20's after tomorrow. Cottonwood rounds and Lodge-pole slab cooking nicely. Remember everyone...... The days are getting longer, only a matter of time. Be patient.
6 degrees outside ... Got some Hedge, Honey Locust and Mulberry loaded. I found some of my Square blocks, to try them.
Sittin' @ 0 both stoves digesting 3 yo Red Oak. Loaded up @ 9 last night, just stirred up a really decent coal bed and threw in a split in each stove. Woke up to a 72 degree house. All good.
slow start winter this year. 15* this am in southern Mass. loaded the canawick last night at 8:00pm and held the front rooms at 64* the rest of the house at 60*. stove a low 250* at 4:30 am. loaded 7 brick and at 5:00 stove top at 475* and secondary burn which is a thing of beauty. love these brick for unattended long burn while at work. always enough coals left for a quick start after 8+ hrs. happy new year and have a day.
About 13 here right now. Large Ash splits burning nicely. We got a dusting of snow last night. Not even a 1/2". So they sent the 50,000lb. plow trucks out to clean the roads off.
2lb, 2 x 4 x 6 Canawick brick. same as hot brick, eco,ect. $ 289.00/ ton , not much savings over oil today but own a ton +. gotta use'um. I seem to get better, quicker high temps than even real dry splits with less stove tending. I burn a little jotul F100, I've found these things give me much better consistent heat in colder weather.
14 here this morning. I'm getting the stove stoked back up. Will start with some super dry cherry and then a steady diet of ash and hard maple. Can't wait to sit in a warm living room and watch some bowl games.
High of 12 yesterday,0 right now (coldest since Feb 2014).May see 20 today & 30 tomorrow.Except for a few smaller pieces of Silver Maple/Elm/scrap Pine/Cedar at startup/reloading the coals overnight I've been burning 3 year old Shagbark exclusively since late Monday afternoon. Temps staying 72-79 down here.Really helps out & the NG furnace isn't running as much too.
-22 wind chill -40 lodge pole (wish i could get that all night burn) 2 am unload than a reload for my all night burn. 73 in the house