Lots of solar gain today. Stove was cold shortly after noon. Will be cold tonight. Topping off the pine bin for a likely morning burn of pine I heard a red-winged black bird off in the distance near the lake shore screaming its chip-burr call. They're back. I'll have to plant peas this weekend.
29 here - was a bright day. One big red maple chunk keeping temp between morning and night time loads. Ash and Sugar maple turning the trick.
39°F here in St. Louis. Burning some red maple with left over black locust bark that came off while splitting. Funny how the BL bark burns hotter than the maple.
Got to 45 here today with the sun & no wind, man did it feel good! Only down to mid 30's tonight, 50 & rain tomorrow. Mud season is here . Pine & one big Oak split in the boiler. Wood usage has dropped to less than 1/2 of what it was at 20 degrees.
Was so hot today almost passed out. To many errands on the way home to split wood today. By partly cloudy they mean bluebird sky/ no clouds.
24* here now and burned Boxelder in our late afternoon early evening fire, switched over to hard maple for the overnight coals and heat bump. We are now in the morning and evening fires for the next month or so, weather dependent. By mid April we should be done burning for the season, by now the wife and I both tired of burning. It's been 6 months of non stop doing so. In April my focus is not on burning, but on c/s/s and I'll be doing so every chance I can to get it done by the end of May and the hotter weather, for in the end of May it's planting time and it's all about the veggies. I have about 10 cords stacked and hope to bump it up to 15 by then.
Perfect sugaring weather! 40 yesterday, 23 this morning, 40ish again today. Bad for ice though, it’s everywhere, and every morning there are new patches. A friend of my wife is in ICU after a head on collision on black ice on her morning commute. We’ll be dealing with that for awhile. Over a foot of snow left to melt as well so we’re watching for flooding. Still 78 inside on coals.
A pine fire this morning , had a cold stove overnite. A little chilly inside this morning, 67ºF so far , but not bad for an outdoor overnite low 0f 25ºF. Still only 26ºF outside. Probably put some maple in in a little bit, although there's not a cloud in the sky except for off to the south and that's probably cold air over warm water ocean fog and will burn off soon and we'll have some solar gain heat. Maybe another load of pine and see how fast it gets too warm in here. Looks like still air, no wind. Decisions, decisions.
What a welcome surprise this morning. Thermometer read 33! Holy crap, that's nice! The over 3' of snow on the ground is compacting/settling noticeably-only after one day! With the wind, there was snow lost to evaporation also. Now if only the sun would come back.
Looks like today will be nice, snow is going fast with the sun shine and warm temps. Spruce has the house toasty, 74 in the house.