7* reel feel of -12*. Straight up Black Locust with 71* in.Calling for 40* on Saturday with rain. Could do without the rain,but 40 will be nice. I can stop the BL and dig out the soft Maple.
6 here with oak “choochin”. I hope all the members to the south are good that dealt with the tornadoes! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
10F with a -5 windchill. Snowing, supposed to get 3-6 by tomorrow. Not bad out of the wind. Locust & Sugar Maple in the boiler. Prayers to all the folks affected by the tornadoes.
Went to Gaylord today and the closer we got, the colder it got. However, the wind . Yeah, not fun. I think my face got wind/cold burned.
A nice mild day, called in sick today, mental health day. The kids just got home from the last hockey tournament of the year. They are 2 time champs 2018 and 2019. Their team won a total of 4 MVP and two of them came home to my house.
I just had a feeling it was going to be cold the first part of March 4 last night , 14 today , 7°F-14°C now , low tonight 6 , got a mix of ash, shag bark hickory and red n white oak choochin in the Lopi
We're at our low of 2. 10 splits of Oak in the 30 and just about to make my last adjustment before bed. Choo....choo....choochin.
Wow! Wouldnt it be neat to see a map of north america showing a visual of the creep of green as it heads north each spring?
13*-68*.....temp still droppin......oak a flamin....sawin some green oak today....snows about 10 "s deep....
19° Out, 69° In. Some Ash splits to bring temp up. Calling for temps in low 30's next few days. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Wow, that's quite a trophy, and they look so happy and cute! But they must be little demons on the ice! You must be very proud.
Well they hit it for once, right at 5 this morning. Locust still going in the Buck like big chunks of coal, 70 inside. I'll load some oak & locust and off to see the wizard.
14° now, and it's not going to get above freezing until Friday. But next week, a couple days the the 50's! No possum tracks in the snow, but a squirrel was looking at me through the window, wanting his sunflower seeds. Busy today, but I might try splitting in the driveway tomorrow if the sun is out. I'm burning oak with a little birch mixed in to keep the fire lively.
9 and 76, 20 for a high predicted today. Burning hickory in the house and shop because that's all I have left dedicated for this year. I have some down poplar close to the house I'm going to scrounge for day-wood to burn when it gets warmer.
Just barely above zero here. Some Maple and a couple rare pieces of Oak in the Wood Gun this morning.
Forecast of 2, and we have -1 out, with the house a bit cooler than it's been at 66. Did the reload with 3 Oak splits. Shouldn't take too long to chase the slight chill out of here.