5F with a -10 windchill. Worse out in the open. Constant lake effect snow & heavy drifting. Really rough night outside. Conditions are far worse than the 10" storm from yesterday. Supposed to keep this up till mid day Thursday. Oh boy! Oak in the boiler & inside temps in the 70's. Few pics from earlier. Only change is more snow & dark.
I knew the weather channel is a poor source! It says current temp is -4 but looking at the thermos gauge on the south side of the house, it reads -15! And its still windy. Gonna be a cold one tonight.
Teens tonight, more white oak which will be the menu for a few weeks exclusively. Last night was the first night for all white oak, 3yrs out in the sun. It burned a long while, great coals this morning to restart and the fan was still blowing meaning the stove stayed at temp longer.... however, the house was 2* cooler than normal and the exterior temp was mid 20’s which is an average I can base the claim on.. It wasnt cold in here but 70 vs the 72 i typically see... interesting performance difference with the all white oak.
20 here, headed for 10 overnight. going to empty the ash pan shortly. Burning some red maple that is a little more wet than I expected it to be. We'll get through the coming cold on red oak and sugar maple, then I'll clean the chimney again this weekend. Two more rods coming for the soot eater, so I can go alllll the way up! Think I crapped out a foot or two early in the first c leaning, and that's where it will need it most I'm sure.
Yep, pretty good bet. Blew through here in about 10hrs. headed your way. Not a monster, but if you get in the "sweet spot" it dumps pretty hard for a while. Had 1.5" per hour snowfall rate for a few hours. They tend to pick moisture up off Lake Mi sometimes & really let fly. Kinda fun for a while, but now the wind is due west & blowing in snow off the lake. Sub zero air & 40ish degree water make for one heck of a snowfall. Three days straight is gonna get a bit old. Glad I kept a good wood supply next to the boiler. 10 min from coat & hat on to back inside & warm.
0 here. Red oak keeping us warm. They are saying we will have -40 windchills in the morning. I know that’s nothing for some but that’s as cold as it’s been here for a long time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It’s official...it’s so cold even the thermometer has lost its mind.... .... Yes I had to take a double take.......
I have a sensor that's taking the chicken coop temp and it's done that! I thought it was on fire at first! Weird!