I do have another- good idea. If it's above -10°F, we do ok, but nearingnearing-20°F is definitely causing issue. Was thinking of putting in a 100 watt bulb in instead, so maybe that'll do it too. The bulb & electrical is protected against anything combustible.
Looks like the cloud cover hung around and it didn't get as cold as it was supposed to....only down to 24. This week is supposed to be 30's/20's, then a up to a foot of snow and headed for a low of 0 by the weekend.
You could've got 3 lab pups...............2 for your grandsons and one for that guy in the U.P. Upper 20's now and thats just about out high for the day.
Yes you are awesome! That's why you received that nice award at the the midwest gtg last year. Looking forward to seeing you again this summer.
Loaded OWB at 4:00pm yesterday with a mix of Apple and Red Oak got down to 3* this am 70* in the house. Will reload this afternoon.
-9 this morning. Just loaded the AS, and noticed that the top of my door gasket has a major gap. 1/8 inch in the center. Gonna call woodstock and order three. The AS hasnt been shutdown since I bought it. Suppose to be nice day though.
I've said it before, the best one liner of the gtg was from Jack Straw " the phone booth smells funny" I'm still laughing!!