30-ish here and we got 4-5” of snow, finally seems like winter here! Burning another “salad” this morning of mixed uglies, mainly maple from down near the stump where its always all twisted up. Pups first snow, 5.5mo’s old today. I had to force her back inside, she was having a ball!
29F with a stiff NE wind, feels like 18. Heading out to look at a fence row cutting job. Ground's finally hardening up! Oh & SUNSHINE!
Gloomy looking but warm considering it's mid January. Sitting at -9 c or 17 f with a dash of wind and might see a high in the -5 c or 23 ish f range. Couple days of decent weather forecast and then back to winter I guess. Poplar same as always.
Hey, we lucked out here as there was very little breeze; mostly calm. Was great to be out working in the woods again.
Finally some sunshine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't see it often around these parts this time of the year. What a shock this morning. Not enough wood in stove last night and it was down to 70 in here.
16 here, down ten degrees from that by morning. Last of this afternoon's burn finishing up now. spent the weekend burning down coal mountain - got a little chilly inside so I made up for it during the Pats game with a load of red oak and sugar maple run hot.. IS peaked and held 650 for about three hours, warmed it back to mid seventies pretty quick. She had more room to stretch her legs, but I chickened out when the gauge got close to the red zone.
20 here and going down to 12. Full load of sugar maple in the IS. I’ve been looking forward to cold temp to see what this stove will do. Very happy so far. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk