10 below when I was last by the T meter. Poplar in the stove. Gotta go get a load of wood or 2 today.
17 OAT and 73 inside. I just put a pine split on the coals for a little more heat since the mrs is working at home today. She got some Uggs and a fleece robe for Christmas so that should help. I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I’m glad it’s over. Still playing with the oil burner. I’m starting it in the morning and in the evening to heat up some water, otherwise it’s shut off. It starts and runs one cycle but kicks out on a restart, usually the first time. I’m ordering 100 gallons today and hopefully that’ll take care of it for the rest of the winter. It’s coming out in the spring come hell or high water!
Remember when we had scattered frost when it got down to 31 deg the weekend of your gtg in June. That was your heat wave.
She was getting chilly last night before bed, -24 C feels -28 C or -11 F feels -18 F but the temp slowly crept up overnight and now sitting around -14 C or 7 F and calm. Poplar in the stove as always. Good day to tidy up and check out all my Christmas goodies. There's a nice Lodge cast pan under the tree that's gonna need some attention.
So far for the big storm that is moving across the country we are not expected to get much from it. Maybe a bit windy but right now they are saying a tenth to a quarter inch of rain tomorrow night and again that much on Friday. Then 20+ degree drop in temperature on Saturday. If we don't lose the snow today we should for sure tomorrow.
Good morning everyone. I was to busy with family and company yesterday to check in and say Merry Christmas to my FHC friends so hope you all had a good one! I did a smoked turkey with apple smoke for dinner last night. It was a hit as always. Im looking forward to a quiet day around the house. I was so tired last night I didnt have time to fiddle with an overnight load so Ill have to build a fire soon. Currently -11c/12f.
We have gotten up to 31. A light fog has been hanging around all day. By the looks of the radar we might be getting a little snow soon. Probably won't be much.
Some rain for the last few days more or less, mild temperatures. Burning some Spruce, Alder and Maple. My family visited on the 25th, burned alot of Apple. Special occasion needs special wood i reckon. white christmas??? more greenish like...
In our area I dont think weve ever not had a white Christmas, at least in the 20 some odd years Ive been here. That field although a pretty site sure is green! I only have enough apple for cooking over so I dont burn it in the wood stove. I remember 3 or 4 years ago I had enough to spare and put aside a few stove loads worth for Christmas day. It sure was nice.
Very mild temps in central Indiana. 47*F right now. A load of ash and hackberry warmed the house up this morning. Now the sun shine is doing the heavy lifting. We will be burning more ash when the sun sets. Merry Christmas and happy New Year everyone.
Sitting at 44*F outside right now. Adjacent to the stove room at 68*F. Filled stove about 3/4 full of mixed hard wood to heat the place up this morning. Just put a couple of Honey Locus splits in. I don't really think we needed it, but the wife would start yelping the fire is going out before long. "No flames. Fire going out."
Was just gallivanting in town was a balmy-12*. Was filling up the truck at the fuel station and had to unzipped my parka. It’s nice day out, a 2 layer day. I love global warming.
25F and snowing lightly out - comfy indoors - time to load the stove (odds 'n' ends) and get some sleep