Forecasted high of 32. Temperature when I got up; 32. Still cloudy. Rats. Earlier they had forecast sunny weather most of the week and we've seen very little sun. But, at least it is not cold.
Currently sitting at -13 C or 9 F and don't think it was any colder than that overnight. Still seems we're sitting in an island of cool air compared to everyone around us, but it should hopefully shake off and hit some decent temps for the next week, running in that -10 to -2 C range or about 14 to 30 F. All things considered though, it is almost the middle of December so the weather could be a whole bunch worse. Poplar in the reactor same as always.
If your blower is the same as mine, it's known as "the hairdryer". Noisy little bugger but works alright.
Yesterday I took tractor back in field and got a FEL load of wood. It was a mixture of white ash and red oak. Got to wondering how old it is and that was stacked in 2013. Yes, it burns sweetly!
Burning Poplar, Locust, and Duck. One of my mallards got mauled by a predator yesterday and expired during the night. Ground is frozen so decided to do a Viking funeral for her in the front yard. Her ashes will be buried in her favorite garden.
29F & cloudy with very little wind. Boiler loaded with Silver Maple again. Does real well till it drops to the teens. I'll have a 170ish water temp yet in the A M.
Little warm up there Rope ? Looks like you're finally gonna get cold according to the CPC long range.
Only down to 30 tonight. Got a little bit of oak and hickory in the boiler that should last until tomorrow night. Still haven't killed my first 25' row of wood yet.
Ive been mild the last few days with highs hovering around freezing. Im at -1c/30f currently and snowing like crazy. The forecast says we will get about 10 inches tonight and then clearing tomorrow and continuing mild temps and snow for the rest of the week. I split some doug fir with my son tonight and is likely my last load of wood until the roads open up in the spring sometime. Im burning some lodgepole pine at the moment.
basswood and silver maple in the quadrafire tonight. 35 degrees outside , 70 in. zero natural gas being burnt.