Wowzers theres been a ton of comments on this thread since I last checked in! I read as many as time would allow. -2c/28f right now. We had a sunny day today with frost until 10 am and then up to 16c/60f! Weve been getting down to -5 to -8c daily but those lows are typical for around here this time of year. Doug fir and lodgepole in the stove right now. I will let it go down to coals over night and rebuild tomorrow after work. Have a great week everyone!
25 here and 60 inside, just lit a fire and once again we'll burn a small fire till mid morning. Cherry & Oak
30 outside and 65 inside at 5 am after letting the fire go out yesterday evening because it was too hot after a little pine burn to take the chill out. It’s toasty once again in here with a few windows open a little lol. Got the pipe up to a new high temperature during startup and smoked the house up a little. Once the damper was closed it stopped immediately. Looks like the warm weather is finally done with highs in the 40s and lows in the 20s all week with some wind rain and snow just north of us in the forecast
Currently sitting at -3 C or 26 F, and don't think it was much colder overnight. Should see a very sunny 6 C or 42 later today. Going to try hit the piles again for another load of wood. Managed about a cord between the truck n trailer yesterday, almost a 1/2 cord of semi green poplar and a 1/2 cord of dead fall ugly stuff that can go right in the stove.
I should have looked at the thermometer this morning instead of the web for the local temps. 99 lbs announced that we had 20f at 8:00!
Down to 34F last night. I have been burning hickory, red oak and beech. The hickory uprooted three years ago and took the other two and a small tulip poplar with it to the ground. It was a tangled mess to process, but I am finally reaping the benefits.
49ºF outside, 76ºF inside. Letting the stove get down to just a couple of coals to relight a load around 6 or 7 PM and then that will be it for a while maybe. Supposed to be 60ºF outside tomorrow. Got the wood bin set up by the back door and fairly filled. Almost ready to start the Winter ritual of keeping the bins full.
99 is blessed to have live in a river valley. Low and very cold with traditionally the lowest temps of the area. I'm blessed to have met her and moved here by choice....(?) So often the temps can be as great as 10f warmer just driving once you leave the river bottom. Gotta love cold temps.
About 33 this morning. Maple and Ash in the boiler. It’s good to have the wood boiler running again. The chill has left the house.
Bright sunny morning and -7 C or 20 F at the moment, with temps reaching 11 C or 52 F later. Poplar uglies in the reactor.