They won't knock your socks off, but I would order them again. Now these are a different story. Finally got a good buy as I had been waiting for many months to try them...and I have to say I'm disappointed. Maybe a few weeks in the coolerdor will help.
I've been happy with pretty much all the Diesel line... but if you're smoking them fresh.... let them rest for about a month... allow them to remoisturize ....
Personally, I would not advocate anyone starting to smoke, dip, chew or whatever with tobacco. It is a personal choice once one has understood the risks.
Not only the health concerns but your credit card will hate you slippery slope my friend Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Unicorn1 What are your preferences to cigars when you smoke 'em? Mild, medium, strong? Do you like flavored? Sweetened? What type of wrappers?
It's been a life time since I had a cigar so I don't know? I watched a few YouTube videos on selecting a cigar etc.
If you're going to start, start with mild. Dominican (MY views only now) are notorious for being mild.
That's what I'm afraid of. I'm on a tobacco forum and the enablers are everywhere. Including me sometimes.
Unicorn1, do u like coffee or coffee/ chocolate? If so, I'd recommend either a Tabak especial (coffee infused) Or a JAVA (MOCHA) Both are relatively mild wrapped in a Maduro.