This past week it seems to me that the auction prices have been higher. This usually happens once the warm weather has begun for the southern part of the nation and people are outside back at it....golfing, fishing, whatever. I hope this is just a fluke and I still get a chance to win some auctions. Anyone else notice that?
I think it may just be prices in general. I was buying Bandidos 60 packs for $19-$20, they are going for $35 now…
I didn't buy them on any sort of auction, but I did get them on CI, but my Acid cigarillos jumped from 50-75, in the past few months. I know it's probably wishful thinking, but I hope these inflation jumps slow up a bit It's the reason I'm buying as much chainsaw stuff as I am. Woodland Pro rolls of chain, used to be $319 and I put off buying any and now it's as much as the Oregon rolls I just bought and the Oregon rolls from them (Bailey's) is like $479. They're always a bit higher anyway, but that's a 33% jump on Woodland Pro rolls. Sorry, back to cigars.
I helped a friend work some cattle the other day, so I took his dad some cigars because he is cigar guy. Today I was back there helping him with cattle again & his dad gave me these.I am looking forward to trying them but I am really looking forward to tryin the Onyx.
.063" They even show limited in that price. I have about 10 loops of Carlton per bar length I run, but I figured getting rolls would be nice too.
The only thing I run .063” on is my 36”bar, everything else is .050”. If I see any I will let you know.
Had me a Tabak Red Eye today while I talked with my cousin. Not much better than good cigars and good conversation.
I had this Acid 20 year, I think it's called. Not a good cigar really. First Drew Estate anything I didn't care for. Had a heck of a time keeping it lit and it was a bit rough. Didn't even finish it.
I have never seen this type of smell or taste listed on a cigar description. Highlighted in yellow. Here is the link to the cigar : Nicarao Especial Toro Doble