Thank you! Never ordered from him before but I am very happy with it. Going from scrounging 100% of the wood I burnt to having the ability to have logs delivered and scrounging on the side it is definitely well well worth the money and being in a area with a lot of logging companys completing on prices it keeps the cost down, even buying a load a year is way way less then it would cost for propane on a old 2100Sqf house.
Dropped the saw into a couple logs this morning then said it's way to muddy, got to wait a couple days for the lawn to freeze back up again.
Been slowly working at it. Mostly been in the dark with a light so no photos, Had a little free time tonight before the sun went down so got a few logs cut and split. Misses called and said she was going to be stopping at wally world on the way home so I rolled a couple more logs down and got them cut and split also. Not a ton done tonight but slowly working at her. Husky 55 and Isocore doing the hard work.
I used to cut everything at 18 in. Then as time went on I learned if I cut at that 25-in Mark as long as the weather isn't below zero and windy I could go to 24-Hour refills on the wood boiler instead of every 12. So I cut everything at 25 now but you are correct especially with hand splitting everything, just those few inches extra can make it an absolute bear to hand split on some stuff
That's funny! When I had my OWB, I began cutting everything at the long lengths like you do now. But then, my back deteriorated to the point that lifting those 2' pieces weren't a good idea; especially in the -40 temps that we used to get! So, back to 18" ish pieces. One other thing-I never split those pieces like you are. The difference being is that I usually had almost a years worth of wood for the OWB in advance. I didn't have to split it in order for it to burn.