Those flared stumps will be fun to chunk down, but plenty of good wood in them. Time for some DayQuil and then . At least the ground will be frozen. So much for that oak next door! LOL!!!
As far as I know they don’t grow this far north, but you could be right. I recognized the trunks as a red and black oak.
All that’s left of the first pile is one log with a big crotch on the end. That’s it for today anyway. Decent progress.
Yeah, I've learned my lessons on those flared butt pieces too. I just noodle them as well now. You've got some great chip drop deliveries! I finally got one last summer, after years of having the request out there, the hottest week of the year, in my front lawn and it was heavy huge honey locust. I sweated a lot but got it done quickly.
I remember when they came through for you in a big way with that honey locust. That would be a dream score for me. I’ll gladly take all this oak though. It’s going to take me at least a month before all this gets processed.
I really lucked out this time around. It’s a toss of the dice what you’ll end up with. I was half expecting another monstrous load of pine logs like 4 years ago
It seems I get either box elder or HL for my scores/ scrounges. Ash too, but I'm swimming in HL. I'd love to get more oak., it's not like it's rare here, but it's also not all over like in the western part of WI. The next street over from me there's a pile of wood in an ugly pile at the circle. It looks to all be box elder otherwise I'd be asking that neighbor about of they want it gone. I can't complain though.
Awesome. Very consistent so long as it’s sharp. Actually noodling is where I notice the biggest difference between round and square chain.
I am certainly jealous of those deliveries. We have no tree services within 300 miles. However my fee wood comes in the form of hey I have some trees that I want to get ride of if you cut them you can have them. Thankfully it’s all been from folks I know, and the trees are not in bad places and enough trees to be worth while. I don’t clean up but will leave a dump trailer for them to clean up and I will haul to Alaska Fire service biomass dump site. Few days ago a neighbor approached a proposal, she wants 10 acres cut and offered a deal. Looks like I’m in some wood for labor deal.
No tree service for 300 miles I was going to say I will move up there and set up shop then I see where you are from and it’s just to dam cold for me
In a place like this with a town of 1,000 most people do their own. The ones that don’t —- probably an age thing.