Is it similar to this? Hügelkultur Her oldest daughter and BF are big into organic and made one for their garden. I was mortified when I saw him burying nice firewood quality logs.
Similar concept to what I'm doing as far as adding nutrients to the soil and moisture retention I guess. What I'm doing now is composting on the surface. In my deepest raised garden bed I've had a 4 year long Hugelkultur experiment going. There were a pile of way past their prime oak splits at my house when I moved in, and I needed some filler material when filling my raised beds so I tossed the splits in the bottom. I assume by now they're mostly broken down.
Thats a lotta chips. How many yards you think there was? How far does your lot go on that side of the chain link fence?
I have a verbal agreement with the neighbor to maintain a "buffer zone" of sorts between my kept lawn and his anarchist approach to yard maintenance. He mows his grass once every 2 months and lets the weeds go forever. I used to maintain right up to my line and go no further, but got really sick of his mess encroaching onto my side. We were battling ticks like crazy in the house, and I was struggling to keep all the poison ivy, bittersweet, etc. at bay. No more.
So I’m sitting here minding my own business when I get a couple phone calls from a number I don’t recognize. I ignore them, and there was no voicemail left. I didn’t think much of it then BAM. All this shows up. I think I’m in line for some kind of award today?
Outstanding! Great score, Chip Drop has come through for me in the past. Few far and in-between but when you get a load you get a load.
I busted my butt for a pickup load of white and red oak the other get a dump truck load delivered for free. Nice job.
Wow! Nice score Eric! In the utmost respective meaning of the phrase: “You Sucketh”. Well done good Sir!
I was planning on hiding inside this afternoon and feeding the stove, but despite feeling like garbage with an upper respiratory infection I just had to get some trigger time in. I really need to get these bucked up sooner than later because they’re blocking access to my backyard, and I have some more deliveries to make soon(ish). A little progress: This is all wood that was already staged up for splitting, from various recent scrounges: I haven’t had this much red oak to deal with since 2020, when several came down in my backyard. Awesome problem to have.
I remember a couple years back when they gave you some chestnut oak logs. That almost had me drooling