There are some dings here and there, but from a few feet away, it does look new. The bar is original, but wasn't used much the first 8 years of it's life. It has pretty well worn out one 20" bar so far. One thing I learned fairly early on...Nice stuff doesn't come easily (not for me anyways). Appreciate and take care of it when you can manage to get your hands on it. My other saws will also look new years down the road. Some of them because they still rest in their factory boxes not knowing what gasoline smells like. Looking good doesn't make them run better, but I am pretty certain it will make them last longer. I could be wrong, but so far it's working for me.
A view of the other side. He bought it from the guy that has the giant collection of saws. I have been doing my best to avoid that crack house. The spikes don’t look like they have ever touched wood.
The firewood hauler is going to need new rubber next month to pass inspection and I bought a new grapple and I’ll have to spend a few bucks on my wife tomorrow. I guess I could have got her a new Stihl