You're welcome Mike. They sure are nice little saws. Many people here that afraid of AT buy them also.
Been sitting on this one for a spell. Found the time to finally get it running. Nary any saw time since the fall. I'll find something suitable to throw it into this spring.
Just sort of finished up this MOFO 026 that Doc Al ported the jug for. Got some work to do yet. It's got newly powdered cases and dyed plastics. Running an 044 intake neck and soon adding the 044 carb and maybe v-stack and foam filter.
My pristine just a few tanks of fuel Stihl 441 R-CM is on its way to be ported by huskihl this will be my third ported XS saw. Good times to be had in the near future.
I noodled red oak with mine a few weeks ago. They actually work pretty well for it. The clutch cover doesn't seem to clog. How did those chains work out?
They are pretty good noodlers Kevin. I noticed the same about the clutch cover. For a small saw they clear easily. The chains are FAST! I haven't ran them a lot. Waiting to get some good clean wood to play with.