Nothing like a cast iron ribeye. Not my best time making them but they sure tasted good. Salt, pepper, garlic, thyme and lots of butter. I think my newer Lodge actually cooks steaks better than these two pans, (early 1900s Wagner and Erie) but it might just be because I'm not as scared to turn the heat up on the newer pans.
Can't fault you for the stout. You have a lot of big flavors going on there and a stout would not be overpowered by them. I like your third option although I have never tasted that brand! I'll have to see if it is available around here.
I checked up on your stout. I am happy to find it has coffee and chocolate flavors. I could easily pair a Merlot that had chocolate and coffee notes with your meal! Grapes? Grains? Pour me either one and Please Pass the Steak!!
Defrosted half a chicken breast and some thin cut bottom round this morning since that's what was on deck next in the freezer.. onion, celery, carrots, and a little broccoli. Made up a little pan gravy with some red wine and seasonings, played on egg noodles. Mrs Papi wasn't a fan, but micro me liked it okay, even though she's flashing me a dirty look! That's a generic Lodge pan I bought when I got my first apartment some twenty years ago. Not too fancy, but the eggs slide around pretty good on 'er!
Found this cornbread pan at a second hand store today. Ironic that chili and cornbread was on the menu for tonight.
I would be tempted to lay some pie crust in that cornbread pan and add filling. Whether pizza sauce and cheese, apple pie filling, chicken and gravy, etc. Another crust on top to cover and slice vent holes and bake. Mini pies. I think Pallet Pete may have done this.
That looks like a really good way for portion control. Could also make some breakfast pies. Easy, convenient.
Heres the aftermath of my great find. cornbread didnt really stick together when i was digging it out. Jiffy mix brand by the way.
Corn bread pans can be tough. Try preheating the pan before dumping in the batter. It has made a huge difference for me.
Lodge Dutch oven on my hand built cooking stand. With some chowder... With a little chicken frying and the camp oven standing by keeping things warm. I need a bigger pot! Any suggestions on a bigger cook pot?