Saw this, what to you folks think about it? You Should Use a Cast-Iron Skillet to Grill Your Steak, Here’s Why
I agree a steak on cast iron is hard to beat, but not completely for the reasons they mentioned. I don't think it cooks more even than a grill, actually often times cast iron heats quite unevenly. But they are right when they say the steak cooks in it's own juices...I've found a good cast iron steak way more flavorful than grilled depending on how it's done. My method is simple, season the steak with salt only (pepper will burn in the pan), get the pan decently hot (I tend to just preheat for a long time on medium-low, it will sear as long as it's preheated) a bit of olive oil and lots of BUTTER. The butter creates a good sear. I'll throw chunks of garlic in, and thyme. Then just keep basting the steak with that butter. I love a grilled steak but I've definitely been turned onto the cast iron steak.
I really was craving a fish fry Monday, so that's what was for dinner. Saw fresh scallops at a good price too and figured I'd try frying those as well. Used panko breadcrumbs and seasoned with Old Bay. Everything came out good but the scallops were the definite winner. Used the #8 Erie for scallops and #10 Wagner for the fish.
I stopped at a garage sale today and the owner had a bunch of random stuff from house cleanouts. These two pans were pretty rough, but one was a lodge and I could make out "Made in USA" on the other. The first one I believe is a circa 1960's unmarked Wagner. Thick walled, pain to clean between the raised bottom. The wire wheel kept jumping. It should be a good steak pan. This pan is cast pretty rough, but it cleaned up well. I used a green scrub pad between the raised grates. No size marked on this one which I though was different. The second pan I believe is a nice gem of a pan. I saw the Lodge name and notch and didn't ask questions. Pretty heavy crust and rust on the bottom. Pretty decent inside. Cast pour spouts too. In my mind I saw the notch and grabbed it thinking it was a three notch heat ring. It is a one notch, and raised "8" on the handle puts this one at 1910-1930's. It is very smooth on the inside. Probably my smoothest pan yet. It has heavy corrosion from coal smoke on the bottom that might make a hot spot, but it is a nice pan. Lots of use over the years from the looks of it. I figure less than $10 a pan. I did a package deal for a bunch of other collectible crap.
Nice finds, I too would be excited about that arc Lodge pan. For whatever reason I barely ever see those around here, plus a #8 is perfect.
for sure sir.. love using mine. i have 3 different sizes but most often use the 12 in skillet. just heat er up oil er wiper er off and lightly oil again.. good to go. enjoy... rodney dangerfeild once said, get her tupperware instead cause when she hits you with em they dont hurt that much
I have about 100 of them! They are nice and heavy! Great baking pans, I make corn bread in my # 9 all winter. Are you looking for a particular size Jon? I'll keep my eye's open, seems there is a decent amount around here occasionally.
Made me look too. I have a 10" 8Sk, 3 notch that according to this site is a Lodge, circa 1960 (not exactly antique).