China, Taiwan and Malaysia "had" to mark there pans from country of origin back in the 60's to post. Many "grocery store and box store" pans were un-marked, many were manufactured by Chicago cast and a few others. The bottom "looks machined", they were good quality so it's a good user. Unless you feel like completely stripping it to see for sure, I would use it as a daily driver! I've seen a few pans that, unless you were a super pan guru couldn't be identified, You may have such a pan.
Thanks Dave I figured as much. I stripped this pan in a campfire ~15yrs ago and can't recall a single marking. It has 2 small defects in the cooking surface that could have been past corrosion or casting imperfections but they fill in and cause no issues.
Mrs. TD just picked me up a Wagner griddle at the 100 Mile Yard Sale. Can't wait to see it. I didn't have any griddles!
I like it! I've seen a couple in antique shops. The book doesn't show that exact pattern, but most are valued $15-25. some as high as $40
The same shop had a small I guess it was a dutch oven. Unmarked, I think there was a stamped 8 and it had a lid. It had a wire bail handle, so I didn't think it was a good piece, but I'll look for it again next time I am there.
Unmarked is not necessarily bad Jon, many "name" brands were unmarked. The things to steer away from is the stuff from china, taiwan, malaysia etc... More than likely the unmarked dutch ovens were made by BSR and Wagner, some were Chicago foundry. Anything Griswold or Wapak would have been marked as far as I know and have seen. Over seas suppliers "had" to mark the country of origin and I don't believe we received very much if anything pre-1950's. Dutch ovens are my favorite for slooooooooooow cooked bake beans! I'd grab it if the price is right
Most of my pans are unmarked Wagners. I think the wire bail handle threw me off thinking it may be lesser quality. The stamp in the bottom looked good though.
I have a few if them, I found a #12 at a flea market years back for $6.00. Somebody else thought the same thing.
I was near the shop today and took another look at the dutch oven. It looks real good. The castings are excellent, and it has the lid and trivet inside. It also has the original Sears and Roebuck box from 1947. It was $70. A bit more than I wanted to pay. I'll check back and see if it goes on sale down the road. It kills me to pass it up as I would use it out in the mud oven this fall. The lid handle is one piece cast also.