gus fring, you make some excellent points - however, by and large, it’s just not working out that way. Statistically, look to the left of you, look to the right. Of the three of you, one is obese, one is overweight and one is average weight. 2/3 of the American population simply isn’t doing what you suggest. Would they be better if they did? Perhaps. But maybe not. Go in to any grocery store. The entire middle of the store is absolute crap. The only truly nutritious foods are on the walls. As with a lot of things in this world, follow the money. The things in the middle of the store are profitable, the fast food is profitable. Cheap processed carbohydrates are profitable. Add all that to the fact that we have been literally programmed from a very young age to consume a certain way - and here we are today. Most people don’t realize that Doctors are actually financially encouraged by pharmaceutical companies to prescribe medication! I’ve been on statin drugs since I was in my 20s. I wonder why. My (and your) liver makes 2000mg of cholesterol every single day...let these things sink in for a minute. And then go do your own research! I am no different from anyone else, the programming worked. Over the last few years, I have had to come to the harsh reality on several subjects, that what “they” have been telling us about things over the years might just have been total bull crap. Hopefully at least someone is inspired by my experience with carnivore and the experiences of literally thousands of others. In the words of our President: “What the hell have you got to lose?”
Back when I was much younger and working on farms, we ate 3 meals a day, breakfast, dinner, and supper. Lunch was something you had between dinner and supper. The big meal of the day was always dinner at noon with supper being a lighter meal. Maintaining weight and even losing weight was possible when eating big meals and then working like a dog for hours.
gus fring I'm not bagging on you, I just quoted you because I felt the "Have fun dying" statement was a bit over the top. I agree with most everything you've posted. Aside from the statement about chicken being expensive. In my recollection, chicken has always been the least expensive meat available. Likely because they don't require much room to be raised, nor do they require the feed required for cattle or pigs. As to the cookbooks, I'd once again agree. But if you look, virtually every recipe will call for a root vegetable. Why, because virtually everyone had a garden. Furthermore root vegetables handle long term cold storage well. Sauerkraut, take cabbage, let it pickle in salt. Lasts a very long time, and has great gut bacteria. I also agree with others that mention work. Life today requires an extreme minimum of physical labor. Couple that with poor eating habits, it's no wonder that many are overweight or obese. @ 5' 8" and 170-180 lbs I fall into the overweight category. I know why, but I still continue with my blue smoothies As well as the starchy carbs. My HDL/LDL cholesterol levels are great but my triglyceride levels make my PCP wanna pass out. Best thing I can do for my health is to put down the beer and pick up the chainsaw, but it doesn't happen often enough. Oh.. I also remember having potato soup for (seems like) 2 weeks straight, made with powdered milk. It sometimes had bacon or leftover ham. Yes, food does seem cheaper these days, and I for one am a fan. Also, I don't think chickens got "fingers" till I was a teen.
The BMI charts are not accurate for people with muscle. Period. I had an discussion with a doctor who did the physical for me to work for a town. He admitted Sylvester Stallone during the Rocky films would have been considered "obese" if using that chart. For me to be at the highest end of the "normal range", I'd have to be about 170 lbs at 5'10". To be that weight I'd be at literally 0% body fat unless I wanted to lose all the muscle I currently have. Once men go below 10% BF or so, they develop a lot of medical issues, and once you go below around 3-4% you die. The chart doesn't take into account different builds or composition. Complete nonsense.
Luckily I'll never need to worry about that. Lol Seriously though. I agree with your analysis on bmi. Now, I've never been even close to an average bmi like the Dr's would want. Yes, ive always been overweight, but with my upper body size i could never get to a good bmi.
sirbuildalot is right in the BMI charts are ridiculous. My boy at 3 was labeled obese and you could see his muscles every time he moved! Dr. Put obese on his chart! I’ve threatened to sue her. Obesity is a measure of body fat is nothing to do with weight or height. people are not looking at certain genetic traits. the Nordic countries are generally larger framed humans than Asia, Africa and Australia. In short if your ancestors lived within 150 km of artic circle You probably have more body fat than someone whose ancestors lived within 150KM of the equator. But seriously a lot of the fruits and vegetables that we now eat every day, were designed to put weight on our bodies and naturally harvested in the fall. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry scares me, We have a treatment for eczema so you won’t have dry skin unfortunately it kills your liver, kidneys and may cause cancer
Can’t argue with you sirbuildalot ... but we all know who I was talking about when I referenced overweight and obese people. Those who work for a living and those who are gym rats, aren’t it.
Very true, also with diets and food intolerances which people that say things like dairy is bad seem to forget. Most people with European ethnicity don’t have issues with lactose intolerance. A lot of Asian and African ethnicity folks do. There ancestors didn’t consume it for thousands of years, like a lot of European countries did and still do. Regarding frame size look at the strongman elite like WSM winners. Alot of them were fluffier guys from Eastern or Northern Europe like Iceland, Poland, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland, etc. So if they have naturally stockier builds and frames, of course they will weigh more. Doctors Never seem to grasp such a simple concept. Just like a lot of elite runners are from countries near the equator and have naturally slender builds. Of course there are always exceptions, but these tend to be the norm.