I am almost tempted to send you some Canadian beer bottles from the 70s. Being glass, they probably won't survive the trip.
Someone threw these away last month and I thought they'd look cool in my woodpile. They're so heavy! It kind of shocked me when I picked one up. I took a fake sip and pretended I was back in my dads early days in the 50s. Although they're probably more like 70-80s era. Wonder if they're worth anything ?
Several of them say "money back bottles". Good Lord! You could have 45 or 50 cents there! That would buy a box of long rifle .22 cartridges and a several packs of Double Bubblegum when I was fourteen!
I remember when all Coke bottles were green and had the date and town/state of manufacture on them. These bottles were sent all over the country for reuse where ever a Coke refiller needed them. When my school friends went for Cokes we would play date and distance. Whoever had the oldest or farthest made would have their drink payed for by the others! Old soft drink bottles bring back old memories!
We had a store called "The Pop Shop" when I was a kid. All of Grandparents kids and grandkids were at their house often and what a treat those pops were! Also it was fun to return the empty ones and buy more
We had one here in our town growing up. We loved it as kids. Nothing but floor to ceiling and every flavor under the sun. https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=Awr...p_Shoppe/RK=2/RS=O2t4SfE4tbevjpwa5wePwyzPC1w-